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论文标题 期刊 日期
Theoretical analysis and engineering application of controllable shock wave technology for enhancing coalbed methane in soft and low-permeability coal seams 国际煤炭科学技术学报(英文) 2024年第02期
Experimental study of the dynamic mechanical responses and failure characteristics of coal under tru 矿业科学技术学报(英文) 2023年第06期
Vibration reduction technology and the mechanisms of surrounding rock damage from blasting in neighb 矿业科学技术学报(英文) 2023年第05期
Reducing congestion and emissions via roadside unit deployment under mixed traffic flow 国际煤炭科学技术学报(英文) 2023年第01期
Simulation research of a counter-flow rotary kiln hazardous waste incineration system 国际煤炭科学技术学报(英文) 2022年第07期
Influence of maximum principal stress direction on the failure process and characteristics of D-shap 矿业科学技术学报(英文) 2022年第05期
Fracture characteristics of iron ore under uncoupled blast loading 矿业科学技术学报(英文) 2022年第04期
Research and practice of intelligent coal mine technology systems in China 国际煤炭科学技术学报(英文) 2022年第03期
Performance test of a 5 kW solid oxide fuel cell system under high fuel utilization with industrial 国际煤炭科学技术学报(英文) 2021年第05期
Status of an MWth integrated gasification fuel cell power-generation system in China 国际煤炭科学技术学报(英文) 2021年第05期

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