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  • Title

    Problems Existed in Regional Comprehensive Outburst Prevention Technology of Coal Mining Face and Countermeasures

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to protect the safety production of the coal mining face, the outburst cases of the coal mining faces in recent years were analyzed to seek the ex isted problems of the regional outburst prevention technology for coal mining face with the outburst in potential and to provide the related solutions.The study results sh owed that the coal mining face would lack the gas basic parameters generally and would have the irrational outburst regional prediction and the irrational effect inspecti on index of the regional outburst prevention measures, the improper regional outburst prevention measures of the geological structure zone, irational development layo ut of the coal mining face, the improper effect inspection method of the regional measures and other problems.To solve those technical problems, the following counter measures were provided, including the large number test of the gas basic parameters and the understanding on the gas deposit law of the coal mining face .According t 0 the seam degeneration degree, the critical value of the regional predicted gas content was investigated and the geological drawing of the coal mining face was prepar ed and made.The gas drainage boreholes constrution in the geological structure zone shall be enhanced.The layout of the excavation and mining working faces shall be rationally conducted.The gas drainage and gas pre-drainage period should be rationally set up.A pre-evaluation of the outburst elimination effect for the coal mining fac e shall be conducted and the principle of the checking borehole layout shall be set up.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    regional comprehensive outburst prevention technology;coal mining face;gas geological drawing;critical value of gas content;ffect inspection;coal and g as outburst;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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