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  • Title

    Bolt Support Technology of Gateway with High Stress Broken and Swelling Roof

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  • 摘要
    为有效解决高应力碎胀顶板巷道支护难度大的问题,以某矿十采区轨道上山为工程背景,在对其煤层地质条件和顶板岩石软化性分析的基础上,通过对巷道支护方案参数进行优化设计,选取最佳支护方案,应用FLAC2D软件对高应力碎胀巷道围岩的变形特征进行数值分析,得出顶板水平应力集中范围为0.8 m;两帮垂直应力集中范围约为1.2 m。通过围岩应力和变形监测可知:顶板锚杆锚固力为75~86 kN,锚索锚固力为115~148 kN;巷道顶板平均下沉量38 mm,两帮平均移近量62 mm,该支护方案提高了巷道支护结构的整体承载能力,能有效控制巷道围岩的变形。
  • Abstract
    In order to effectively solve the support dificulty of the mine gateway with high stress broken and swelling roof, based on the railway rise gateway in No. 10 mining block as the project background, a analysis was conducted on the seam geological conditions and the roof rock softness. Based on the circumstances, a desi gn on the support parameters of the mine gateway was conducted, the authors selected the best support plan after support parameters were designed and optimized.Th e FLAC2D saftware was applied to the numerical analysis on the deformation features of the surrounding rock in the gateway with high stress broken and swelling roof. The horizontal stress concentrated scope of the roof obtained was 0.8 m and the vertical stress concentrated scope of the two sidewalls was 1.2 m.The stress and defor mation monitoring and measuring of the surrounding rock showed that the anchoring force of the roof bolt was 75-86 kN and the anchoring force of the anchor was 115- 148 kN.The subsidence value of the gateway roof was 38 mm in average and the average convergence of the two sidewalls was 62 mm.The plan could improve the inte grated loading capacity of the gateway support structure, could effectively control the deformation of the surrounding rock in the gateway.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high stress;broken and swelling roof;urrounding rock stability;bolt support;

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