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  • Title

    Application of Grey System Theory to Memory Cutting Technology of Coal Shearer

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to establish the 3D space distribution model of the cutting drum height in the memory cutting technology of the coal shearer and to improve the memory cutting accuracy of the coal shearer, based on the 2D distribution model of the traditional memory technology, the grey system theory and GM (1, 1) model wer e applied to have a dynamic prediction on the 3D (forward direction) height of the cutting drum for the coal shearer and to provide a grey memory cutting technology.Th e Matlab simulation results showed that under the same error requirements, in comparison with the traditional memory cutting algorithm, the cutting height curve from th e grey memory cutting algorithm would be more closed to the theoretical cuting curve.Meanwhile, the grey memory cutting technology could reduce the lfting times by 32.8%. Therefore, the grey memory cutting technology could highly improve the accuracy and application of the memory cutting of the coal shearer.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal shearer;grey system theory;memory cutting;automatic lifting adjustment;Matlab simulation;

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