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  • Title

    Analysis on Spalling Mechamism of Coal Wall Law for Fully Mechanized High Cutting Coal Mining Face

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  • 摘要
    为了研究综采工作面的矿压显现规律,在现场实测基础上,运用数值模拟的方法,对不同采高、不同工作面长度条件下工作面煤壁前方塑性破坏区的分布规律进行了模拟研究。结果表明:随着采高和工作面长度的增加,工作面煤壁前方出现塑性破坏的范围越来越大;当工作面长度为220 m时,随着采高的增加,工作面煤壁前方出现塑性破坏的范围呈现扩大的趋势;当采高为4.5m时,随着工作面长度的增加,工作面煤壁前方出现塑性破坏的范围也呈现扩大的趋势。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the mine pressure behavior law of the fully mechanized coal mining face, based on the site measurements, the numerical simulation me thod was applied to the simulation study on the distribution law of the plastic failure zone at the front of the coal mining wall under the different mining heights and differ ent coal mining face lengths.The results showed that with the mining height and the coal mining face length increased, the plastic failure scope at the front of the coal m ining wall would be getting larger and larger.When the length of the coal mining face was 220 m, with the mining height increased, the plastic failure scope at the front 0 f the coal mining wall would be in a potential of expansion.When the mining height was 4.5 m, with the length of the coal mining face increased, the plastic failure scope at the front of the coal mining wall also would be in a potential of expansion.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    numerical simulation;mining height;mining face length;plastic failure;

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