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  • Title

    Study on Na2S Deoxidation of Coal Bed Methane in Low Gassy Mine

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  • 摘要
    为消除低浓度矿井煤层气对煤层开采存在的安全隐患,提出了低浓度矿井煤层气硫化物脱氧新工艺。采用热重分析进行了脱氧剂和脱氧催化剂(自行研制的SDD催化剂)选择,在固定床反应器上进行了催化Na2S氧化研究,并用热重试选了CO还原Na2SO4反应的催化剂。研究结果表明:以Na2S为脱氧剂,SDD为脱氧催化剂,在温度180~380℃、原料气空速100~190 h-1的条件下进行脱氧,然后在600~630℃,以Fe2O3为催化剂对脱氧后生成的Na2SO4进行CO还原,生成的Na2S可循环使用。该脱氧方法操作简便、温度低,无杂质气混入,效果较好。
  • Abstract
    In order to eliminate the coal bed methane in the low gassy mine to the safety hidden peril existed in the seam mining, a new sulphide deoxidation techni que of the coal bed methane in the low gassy mine was provided.The thermogravimetric analysis was applied to the selection of the deoxidizer and the deoxidation cata lyst.A study on the Na2S oxidation with the catalyst (a self developed catalyst) was conducted on the fixed bed reactor and the thermogravimetric experiment was appli ed to select the catalyst for the reaction from the CO reduction to Na2SO4.The study showed that taking Na2S as the deoxidizer and taking SDD as the deoxidation cat alyst, under the temperature of 180380 °C, the deoxidation of the raw material was conducted under the air velocity of 1001 90 h-1.Then under the temperature of 600 ~ 630。C, the Fe2O3 as the catalyst was applied to the CO reduction of the Na2SO4 generated after the deoxidation. The generated Na2S could be recycled for applicatio n.The Na2S deoxidation technique would have an easy operation, low temperature, no impurity air mixed and good effect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    low gassy mine;coal bed methane;deoxidation;Na2S;SDD catalyst;thermogravimetric analysis;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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