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  • Title

    Constant Flow Inclined Board Affected to Teetered Bed Separator Performance Effect

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  • 摘要
    研究研制了具有稳流斜板结构的新型干扰床分选机,筹建了新型干扰床分选系统,并通过大量试验探索了不同操作参数和稳流板结构参数对分选效果的影响规律,结果发现:对于入料粒度2.8~0.3 mm煤样,在上升水流速36.78、45.25、53.27 mm/s时,随着稳流斜板通道宽度由88mm减小至42 mm,再减小至19 mm,新型干扰床分选机的可能偏差分别减少了0.022、0.064、0.125 g/cm3,从而证明了加入稳流斜板有助于提高干扰床分选机的分选效果。
  • Abstract
    A new teetered bed separator with constant flow inclined broad structure was research and developed and a new teetered bed separator system was est ablished.Great experiments were applied to discover the influence law of the different operation parameters and the constant flow broad structure parameters to the sep aration effect.The results showed that as the coal samples with the feeding particle of 2.80.3 mm, when the rising water velocity was 36.78, 45.25 and 53.27 mm/s indivi dually, with the channel width of the constant flow inclined broad reduced from 88 mm to 42 mm and to 19 mm, the possible error of the new teetered bed separator was reduced by 0.022, 0.064 and 0.125 g/cm3 individually.Thus with the constant flow inclined broad could improve the separation effect of the teetered bed separator.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    constant flow inclined broad;rising water velocity;possible deviation;reverse flow effect;teetered bed separator;

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