• 全部
  • Title

    An elastic-plastic-soften constitutive model of coal considering its nonlinear elastic mechanical behavior

  • 作者


  • Author

    HAO Xian-jie1,2 ,YUAN Liang2,3,4 ,LU Zhi-guo2 ,WANG Fei2 ,REN Bo3,4

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. State Key Laboratory oh Coal Resources and Safe Mining,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China;2. School of Re- source and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology( Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 3. State Coal Mining National Engineering Technology Research Institute,Huainan  232000,China;4. State Key laboratory of Deep Coal Mining and Environment Protection,Huainan  232000,China
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    During the excavation of coal roadway,the surrounding rock often shows abnormal and large elastic deforma- tion. This behavior is difficult to explain with Hooke’s law. This indicates that even in the elastic deformation stage, the coal also show a strong nonlinear behavior. Compared with other rocks,since the distribution of various defects, such as pore,fracture,bedding and cleats,coal has more obvious heterogeneity. Firstly,the nonlinear elastic character- istics of coal are analyzed in this paper. Then it gives the constitutive equation of the nonlinear elastic mechanical be- havior and the numerical programming. NLEPS constitutive model is proposed considering the nonlinear elastic me- chanical behavior of coal. Finally,the effective numerical verification is carried out,and the application feasibility anal- ysis is carried out in coal roadway excavation. The calculation results indicate that the nonlinear deformation behavior of surrounding rock which is induced by coal roadway excavation is more accurately reflected by the calculation results based on NLEPS constitutive model. The nonlinear elastic constitutive model parameter has a clear physical meaning and can be widely used in coal mining engineering.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal;nonlinear deformation;roadway excavation;constitutive model

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Hao Xianjie,Yuan Liang,Lu Zhiguo,et al. An elastic-plastic-soften constitutive model of coal considering its nonlinear elastic mechanical behavior[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(4):896-901.
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