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Research on Numerical Simulation for Flow Field in a Jigger
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    School of Chemical and Environment EngineeringCUMTBeijing 100083China

  • 摘要
    Jigger is the main equipment in coal processing industry in China, which is developed towards large-scaledevice. By using the homemade device LTX-35 jigger as a model employing mesh division with non-orthogonalmesh for different kinds of through-flow passage, and completing the numerical simulation with the computationalfluid dynamics (CDF) software-PHOENICS, the velocity distribution in different flow fields resulting from guideplates of varied structures are obtained. The results from the simulation show that 1) the degree of velocityuniformity of the flow field can be improved if a flat guide plate is replaced by a curved one in the jigger;2) the bestresult can be achieved by using a semicircular guide plate.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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