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  • Title

    Study on safety and high efficient and green mining technology in high gassy coal mine with depth of 1000m

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wei Sixiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    No.12 Mine, Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Company Limited
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the problems such as large gas content, high gas pressure, coal and gas outburst, low permeability and mining of extremely thin coal se am as a protective layer, it could not effectively recover the coal gangue and thin coal.Study on the complex coal mine dynamic disaster mechanism, coal and gas coord ination and safe and efficient mining and mining environment low damage mining in No. 12 coal mine, the implementation of thin coal seam mining as a protective layer t 0 achieve multi-coal mining area outburst and coal mine comprehensive mining use. On this basis, supporting the underground rock sorting process and backilling tech nology, while realizing safety and efficient mining to reduce the mining environment damage and solve a large number of gangue environmental pollution issues.The sin gle product of protection layer mining face, the lower position of the punching face of the single production increased by 30% .Theeconomic benefits of coal gangue sep aration and refilling of annual subtraction and gas generation and waste heat utilization were significant to achieve safety and high efficient and green mining.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine shaft with depth of 1 000 m; protective seam mining; gob-side entry retaining; Y type ventilation; underground separation; waste backill;

  • 相关专题

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