• 全部
  • Title

    QoS-aware MAC protocol based on wireless multimedia sensor networks for underground coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    YOU Kaiming,YANG Wei,HAN Ruisong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing  100044,China
  • 摘要
    归纳了煤矿井下传感数据业务、语音业务和视频业务的发送频次、带宽、时延和方向等特点以及对网络服务质量保障的要求,提出了一种煤矿井下无线多媒体传感器网络区分服务的Qo SMAC协议。通过为传感数据业务、语音业务和视频业务设计不同的竞争窗口,实现了3种业务的区分服务,可保障3种业务不同的服务质量需求。建立了3种业务退避级数和退避时间计数器的Markov链模型,分析了区分服务的Qo S-MAC协议的饱和吞吐量和MAC层接入时延方面的性能。仿真实验结果表明,在低负载状态下和高负载状态下,所提出的煤矿井下区分服务的Qo S-MAC协议可以通过减小视频业务的吞吐量来增加传感数据业务和语音业务的吞吐量,通过增大视频业务的时延来减小传感数据业务和语音业务的时延。
  • Abstract
    The send frequency,bandwidth,delay and direction of sensing data,voice and video in underground coal mines as well as the quality assurance requirements of network service have been summarized. A QoS-aware MAC pro- tocol based on wireless multimedia sensor networks for underground coal mines was proposed. The different services can be implemented for sensing data,voice and video by designing different contention windows,which guarantees the QoS requirements of three kinds of services. Markov chain models of backoff series and backoff time counters for three kinds of services were established,and the performance of QoS-aware MAC protocol for saturation throughput and MAC layer access latency were analyzed. Simulations were carried out in both low load and high load conditions with the proposed QoS-aware MAC protocol. It is showed that the throughput of sensing data and voice can be increased by re- ducing the throughput of video services,and the delay of sensing data and voice can be reduced by increasing the de- lay of video services.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs);underground coal mine;media access control ( MAC); service different

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    YOU Kaiming,YANG Wei,HAN Ruisong. QoS-aware MAC protocol based on wireless multimedia sensor networks for underground coal mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(10):2765-2775.
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