• 全部
  • Title

    Analysis on dynamic responses of flood control dam for surface mine under blasting earthquake

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Hanhong ZHOU Yongli LI Shenglin

  • Organization
    Shenhua Zhungeer Energy Co., Ltd. School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and
    Technology (Beiing)
  • 摘要
    为防止黑岱沟露天煤矿的抛掷爆破对矿坑防洪坝安全的损害,基于FLAC3D模拟软件,分别建立了在无水条件和有水条件2种情况下西圪奔防洪坝安全稳定性的计算方案,确定了安全参数,通过现场监测和数值模拟,建立了露天煤矿防洪坝爆破震动条件下动力响应模型,研究了防洪坝动力响应的机理,得出了爆破震动波危险主频和横向临界破坏阈值速度。研究结果表明:使防洪坝体发生最大结构响应的最不利主频为2 Hz;坝体抛掷爆破,对应坝底来波方向坝体横向阈值速度为24 cm/s,竖向阈值速度为13 cm/s;有水条件下,抛掷爆破时,坝体横向临界破坏阈值速度为9.6 cm/s。
  • Abstract
    In order to prevent castblasting Heidaigou surface mine safety mine flood contral dam damage, finite element numerical simulation technology based on FLAC3 D, it was established in anhydrous conditions and calculation scheme of water conditions under the two conditions of Xigeben safety and stability of flood contro . | dam, safety parameters were determined by field monitoring and numerical simulation, the establishment of the dynamic response model under the condition of surfac e mine flood control dam blasting vibration, studies the mechanism of flood control dam dynamic response, the blasting vibration wave frequency and the risk of lateral critical damage threshold velocity. The results showed that the most unfavorable to the maximum flood control dam frequency response of the structure 2 Hz; the dam in the cast blasting, corresponding to the dam transverse wave direction threshold velocity was 24 cm/s, vertical threshold speed was 13 cm/s; under the condition of wate r, throwing blasting, the damage threshold of lateral critical speed was 9.6 cm/s.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    surface mine; flood control dam; blasting earthquake; dynamic responses;

  • 相关文章

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