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  • Title

    Triaxial test system for rock rheological perturbation effect

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Bo,GAO Changyan,CHEN Xuexi,LIU Chongyang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Safety Engineering,North China Institute of Science and Technology,Beijing  101601,China
  • 摘要

    深井软岩巷道围岩易发生流变变形,且对外界扰动极为敏感,为研究岩石在不同流变状态下受外加扰动影响变形规律,在以往两种型号流变仪的基础上,研发出了RRTS-Ⅲ型岩石流变扰动效应三轴试验系统,流变仪主机提供了长期稳定的轴向压力,采用齿轮和液压两级扩力结构,扩力比达1∶100;注油式三轴压力室提供了长期稳定的围压,结构采用油气隔离的设计原理,液压泵能够最大提供50 MPa压力,精度为0.1 MPa;改进后的冲击扰动加载装置可操作性高,依据冲击作用原理设计出了IEPE动态力传感器,量程0~10 000 N,灵敏度0.497 mV/N,能够精确测量单次实际冲击扰动荷载大小;配备自动监测系统包括荷载、位移、应变和振动4种数据采集仪及处理软件。运用岩石流变扰动效应三轴试验系统初步进行了单轴流变扰动试验及三轴流变试验,其试验过程操作简便,数据结果可靠性较高。

  • Abstract
    Rock rheological deformation easily occurs in the surrounding rock of deep soft rock tunnel,and is very sen- sitive to external perturbation effect. To study the law of deformation while rock under different rheological state and in- fluence of external perturbation effect,on the basis of the previous two models,the RRTS-III rock rheological perturba- tion effect triaxial test system is developed. The host provides a long-term stable axial pressure for the test,and uses the gear and hydraulic expansion structure,while the expansion ratio is 1 ∶ 100. The oil filled triaxial cell can provide a long-term stable confining pressure. The design principle of the chamber structure is based on oil gas separation. Hy- draulic pump can provide a maximum 50 MPa pressure,its accuracy is 0. 1MPa. The improved shock perturbation loading device has a high maneuverability. According to the principle of shock,the IEPE dynamic force sensor is de- signed,the range are 0-10 000 N,the sensitivity is 0. 497 mV / N. The sensor can accurately measure the size of single actual perturbation load,and it is equipped with automatic monitoring system,including load,displacement,strain and vibration of 4 data acquisition instrument and processing software. The triaxial test system for rock rheological perturba- tion effect is used to test the uniaxial rheological perturbation test and triaxial rheological test. The test procedure is simple,and the data is reliable.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock rheology;perturbation effect;rheological testing machine;triaxial cell;shock perturbation

  • DOI
  • Citation
    WANG Bo,GAO Changyan,CHEN Xuexi,et al. Triaxial test system for rock rheological perturbation effect[J]. Journal of China Coal Soci- ety,2018,43(2):433-440.
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