• 全部
  • Title

    Research on exploitation and volume estimation of underground space in coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Heping1,2 ,GAO Mingzhong2 ,LIU Jianzhong3 ,ZHOU Hongwei4 ,ZHANG Ruixin5 , CHEN Peipei6 ,LIU Zhiqiang6 ,ZHANG Anlin7

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Institute of Deep Earth Science and Green Energy,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen  518060,China; 2. Sichuan University,Chengdu  610065,China; 3. China Coal Research Institute,Beijing  100013,China; 4. China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 5. North China Institute of Science & Technology,Langfang  065201,China; 6. Tiandi Science & Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing  100013,China; 7. Beijing Huayu Engineer-ing Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing  100120,China
  • 摘要

    以煤矿地下空间科学利用为主线,以提升煤矿地下空间综合利用为目标,系统调研分析了我国煤矿地下空间容量,首次绘制了全国生产煤矿井下可利用空间分布图、距地级市50 km内煤矿可有效利用的地下空间分布图、全国煤矿有序退出井巷可利用地下空间分布图,并由此建立了煤矿地下空间的判识和估算方法,对煤矿采空区可利用地下空间进行了估算。进行了不同开发利用功能的围岩适建性研究,提出了煤矿地下空间开发利用的六大设计原则和四大设计理念,系统提出了煤矿地下空间利用的方向、技术及构想。结合京西煤矿地下空间可利用容量、关停顺序和内外部建设条件提出了合理的开发利用规划目标,作为典型案例设计了京西煤矿地下空间开发利用的构想。

  • Abstract
    Focused on scientific utilization of underground space in coal mines,the capacity of underground space in China is analysed systematically for promotion of underground space utilization. The distribution diagrams of available underground space in producing coal mines,available underground space in coal mines within 50 km far from prefec- ture-level cities and available underground space of tunnels in closing coal mines are produced for the first time. Based on a method proposed for identification and estimation of underground space,volume of available underground space in coal mines is estimated in the paper. A condition of surround rocks is evaluated for various functions of development and utilization of underground space. Then six design principles and four design concepts are proposed for development and utilization of underground space in the paper. New orientations,technologies and conceptualization for development and utilization of underground space are also suggested in a systematic viewpoint. In addition,on the basis of volume of underground space,closing sequence of coal mines and construction conditions in Western Beijing,the idea of develop- ment and utilization of underground space of coal mines in Western Beijing is proposed as a typical case in the paper.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    underground space of coal mines;volume estimation;condition of surrounding rocks;development and uti- lization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    XIE Heping,GAO Mingzhong,LIU Jianzhong,et al. Research on exploitation and volume estimation of underground space in coal mines [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(6):1484-1503.
  • 相关专题

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