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  • Title

    Discussion on the model of enrichment and high yield of deep coalbed methane in Yanchuannan area at Southeastern Ordos Basin

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Gang,HU Zongquan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Beijing  100083,China
  • 摘要

    鄂东南延川南区块以上二叠统山西组2号煤层作为主力煤层建成并投入商业开发的深层煤层气田,产气效果好于预期,显示了该区深层煤层气具有较好的勘探开发潜力。通过系统分析区内主力煤层构造特征、煤储层特征及煤层气富集高产控制作用,结合气田动态生产数据,认为延川南深层煤层气为含气量-渗透率耦合控制的富集高产模式,其中埋深小于1 000 m的原生裂隙发育区为自生自储型富集高产模式,埋深大于1 000 m的次生裂隙发育区为内生外储型富集高产模式,并建立了该区深层煤层气富集高产选区评价指标体系,优选出4个富集高产有利区,为气田精细排采和上产稳产提供支持,并为其他深层煤层气区块勘探开发提供借鉴。

  • Abstract
    The production effect of the deep coalbed gas field in Yanchuannan area at Southeastern Ordos is better than expected,in which the No. 2 coal seam of the upper Permain Shanxi formation as the main coal seam is built and com- mercially produced, revealing that the deep coalbed methane has a great exploration and development potential. Through the systematic analysis of structural features,reservoir characteristics and controlling effects on the CBM en- richment and high-yield of the main coal seam,combined with the dynamic production data of the gas field,it is con- sidered that the model of deep CBM enrichment and high-yield in Yanchuannan area is gas content-permeability cou- pling control,of which in the primary fissure development zone with buried depth less than 1 000 m,it is self-generated plus self-storage type,while in the secondary fissure development zone with buried depth greater than 1 000 m,it is en- dogenous generated plus exogenetic-storage type. Upon this basis,the index system of deep CBM evaluation and selec- tion is established,then four favorable areas of gas enrichment and high-yield are optimized,which support for the fine drainage and stable production of the gas field,also provide reference for the exploration and development of other deep CBM areas.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Ordos basin;Yanchuannan;deep coalbed methane;enrichment regulation;reservoiring model

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    CHEN Gang,HU Zongquan. Discussion on the model of enrichment and high yield of deep coalbed methane in Yanchuannan area at South- eastern Ordos Basin[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(6):1572-1579.
  • 相关专题

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