• 全部
  • Title

    Removal efficiency and biotoxicity evaluation of iron-carbon micro-electrolysis process for coal pyrolysis wastewater pretreatment

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Weiwei, HAN Hongjun, XU Chunyan, ZHU Hao,LI Kun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.National Engineering Research Center of Urburn Water Resources,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin China;2.Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin , China
  • 摘要
    为了有效提高煤热解废水中难降解有机化合物的去除效能以及改善出水的可生化性能,研究采用铁碳微电解法对煤热解废水进行预处理,并对微电解处理出水的可生化性与生物毒性进行了评价。结果表明,在铁碳(Fe-C)填料投加量为50 g/L,pH为5时,微电解反应效能较高,COD和总酚的去除率分别达到51.87%和54.32%。同时,微电解反应使煤热解废水中多种难降解有机污染物降解为简单的可生物降解有机化合物,从而使出水的可生化性B/C值提高到0.41,其可生化性显著提高。另外,微电解法可有效降低煤热解废水的生物毒性,使出水急性毒性单位(TU)降低约65%。可见,微电解法是一种高效可行的煤热解废水预处理手段,能够为后续生物工艺及深度处理工艺提供良好的水质条件。
  • Abstract
    In order to enhnace removal efficiency of refractory compounds and biodegradability of effluent,the iron-carbon micro-electrolysis process was used for coal pyrolysis wastewater pretreatment.The removal efficiency,biodegradability and biotoxicity of coal pyrolysis wastewater were studied in iron-carbon micro-electrolysis process.The results showed that the micro-electrolysis reaction performed high removal efficiency for coal pyrolysis wastewater at the condition of Fe-C filler content of 50 g/L and pH of 5,the corresponding COD and total phenol removal efficiency reached 51.87% and 54.32%,respectively.Meanwhile,micro-electrolysis could make massive refractory compounds be transformed into biodegradable compounds,and make B/C ratio increase to 0.41,thereby effectively improving biodegradability of coal pyrolysis wastewater.Additionally,micro-electrolysis significantly reduced biotoxicity and reduced the effluent acute toxic unite (TU) by about 65%.It was suggested that iron-carbon micro-electrolysis is an efficient and feasible method for coal pyrolysis wastewater pretreatment,which can provide good water quality conditions for the subsequent biological process and advanced treatment process.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal pyrolysis wastewater;iron-carbon micro-electrolysis;biodegradability;biotoxicity

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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