Impact damage of flying gangue in steeply dipping seams and its control
WU Yongping1,2 ,HU Bosheng1 ,XIE Panshi1,2 ,LI Shaohua3 ,HUANGFU Jingyu1
飞矸具有动态运移、危害巨大的特点,合理控制其损害是大倾角煤层安全开采的前提之一。基于卡尔曼滤波原理获取飞矸的冲击能特性,以挡矸网为控制元件,多手段综合研究了飞矸的冲击损害机制及控制元件参数,提出了一种飞矸冲击损害控制方法。研究结果表明飞矸碰撞设备时冲击能耗损为多种形式的能量,其中设备的变形能占比最大;飞矸碰撞设备前的冲击能和设备的冲击能恢复系数共同影响飞矸冲击能的耗损程度,由此飞矸损害控制可以从提高设备的冲击能恢复系数和降低飞矸的冲击能两方面入手。LS-DYNA数值碰撞模型确定了大倾角大采高工作面控制元件参数为涤纶直径6 mm,菱形网格大小100 mm×100 mm。将控制元件应用于现场,降低了飞矸伤人毁物事故的次数,改善了防护设备使用周期短的问题。
Flying gangue has the characteristics of dynamic migration and enormous detriment. Reasonably con-trolling its damage is one of the prerequisites for the safe mining of steeply dipping coal seam. In this paper,based on the Kal-man filter principle,the dynamic characteristics of flying gangue were obtained,the mechanism of flying gangue haz-ards and the parameters of control element were studied,and a methodology about flying gangue damage control was proposed. The results show that when the flying gangue collides with facilities,its impact energy can be dissipated into various forms of energy,of which the deformation energy of the facility accounts for the largest amount. The impact en-ergy of flying gangue before collision and the recovery coefficient of impact energy of equipment jointly affect the de-gree of flying gangue energy-loss. Therefore,the flying gangue damage control can be started from two aspects,inclu-ding increasing the impact energy recovery coefficient of facilities and reducing the impact energy of flying gangue. Pa-rameters of the control element for working face in steeply dipping coal seam with large mining height were determined by LA-DYNA,the diameter of the polyester was 6 mm and the size of the diamond mesh was 100×100 mm. Then thecontrol element was applied in field,the number of casualties caused by flying gangue was reduced and the problem of short usage period was effectively improved.
steeply dipping coal seam;flying gangue hazard;Kalman filter;LS-DYNA collision model;protective pa-rameters
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会