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  • Title

    Design of advance support for deep fully-mechanized heading roadway and its support performance analysis

  • 作者


  • Author

    XUE Guanghui,GUAN Jian,CHENG Jijie,ZHANG Hao,JI Weiliang,JING Xinping,WU Miao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanical,Electrical & Information Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

    针对综掘工作面环境恶劣,掘支锚时间比例严重失调现状,提出了一种新型综掘巷道超前支护机组,具有超前支护、多工位并行作业的特点。介绍了该支护机组的结构组成和工作原理,重点讨论了该支护机组的关键装备超前支架的结构和力学模型。以旗山矿地质条件为例利用FLAC3D软件,基于围岩—超前支架力学耦合模型仿真计算得到超前支架的载荷,导入Ansys软件并计算得到支架整体和各零件的应力云图、位移云图,分析了支架的应力和应变情况。仿真结果表明:支架的最大位移为8 mm,与支架整体尺寸相比可以忽略,最大应力为737.84 MPa,小于材料的屈服强度890 MPa,故所设计的支架能够承受该矿围岩的压力,支架的薄弱环节为顶梁、伸缩梁和护帮板,在后续的工程设计时应予以重视。此方法可实现掘支锚平行作业,巷道的快速掘进和安全生产,可为综掘巷道超前支护提供新的思路。

  • Abstract
    Aiming at the situation that environment of fully-mechanized heading faces is bad and the time ratios of excavating,supporting and anchoring are seriously out of balance,a new type of advance supporting unit is proposed,which has the characteristics of advanced support and multistage parallel operation.The structure and working principle of the support unit are introduced.The structure and mechanical model of the key equipment of the support unit are mainly discussed.Considering Qishan colliery geological conditions,the load of advance support was obtained through simulation with FLAC3D software based on surrounding rock - support mechanical coupling model,and then imported into the Ansys software to obtain the support of stress nephogram and displacement contours as a whole and the parts by calculation and to analyze the stress and strain of advance support.The simulation results show that the maximum displacement of the support is 8 mm,which is negligible compared with the overall size of the support.The maximum stress is 790 MPa,which is less than the yield strength of the material is 890 MPa.Therefore,the support can withstand the pressure of surrounding rock of Qishan Coal Mine.The weak parts are top beam,telescopic girder and side-guard board.In the subsequent engineering should attach importance to it.This method can realize the parallel operation of the excavating,supporting and anchoring,and the rapid excavation and safe production in the fully-mechanized heading faces.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully-mechanized heading roadway;advance supporting unit;advance support;support design

  • 相关专题

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