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  • Title

    Study on working resistance optimization of hydraulic support in fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face with ultra strong ground pressure

  • 作者


  • Author

    LANG Jun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou ,China;2.Yitai Jingyue Suancigou Mining Company Limited, Ordos , China
  • 摘要

    针对酸刺沟煤矿工作面回采初期矿压显现强烈、工作面顶板下沉量大、压架事故频发的问题,采用现场实测与理论分析相结合的办法,对酸刺沟煤矿6上105-2综放工作面压架机理及液压支架工作阻力优化进行分析研究。研究结果表明:工作面冒采比小、直接顶韧性高悬顶距大、顶煤超前冒落导致顶板回转量大、支架工作阻力发挥不充分,工作面顶板下沉量大于800 mm;基于位态方程,从控顶效果出发,计算支架临界工作阻力,通过更换安全阀,提高泵站压力,将旧支架工作阻力提升至17 946 kN,工作面顶板下沉量小于600 mm;通过比较支架均值阻力、支架均值偏阻力、支架均值上阻力及额定工作阻力对应的顶板下沉量及其超限比例,确定待采工作面新支架额定工作阻力为21 000 kN,实测顶板下沉量小于300 mm。

  • Abstract
    According to the strong mine strata behavior at the initial mining period, high roof subsidence of the coal mining face, frequent powered support jammed problems in Suancigou Mine, a site measurement and theoretical analysis combined method were applied to the analysis study on the powered support jammed mechanism in No. 105-2 fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face in No. 6 seam (upper) of Suancigou Mine. The study results showed that the mining and caving ratio of the coal mining face was low, the toughness of the direction roof was high and the suspended roof distance was long. The advanced caving of the top coal could cause a high swinging mo ention of the roof, the working resistance of the powered support could not be fully played and the roof subsidence of the coal mining face was over 800 mm. Based on the displacement state equation, from the roof control effect, the critical working resistance of the powered support was calculated. With the replacement of the safety valve, the pressure of the high pumping station was increased. The working resistance of the old powered support could be increased to 17 946 kN and the roof subsidence of the coal mining face was less than 600 mm. In comparison with the average resistance of the powered supports, the mean bias resistance of the powered support, the average resistance and rated working resistance of the powered support related to the roof subsidence and the overlimite proportion of the roof, the rated working resistance of the new powered support applied to the new coal miming face was determined to be 21 000 kN and the measured roof subsidence was less than 300 mm.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully-mechanized coal caving mining face; working resistance optimization; roof control effect; displacement state equation

  • 相关专题

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