• 全部
  • Title

    Development and application of a three-dimensional measurement device for gas concentration

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Hongbao1,2,3 ,ZHANG Huan1 ,WANG Hongbing1 ,ZHANG Mian1 ,LI Bingwei4 ,WEI Ziqiang1 ,ZOU Youping5

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.School of Resources and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083; 2. Key Laboratory of Mine Geological Hazards Mechanism and Control,Xi’an  710054; 3. State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control (Henan Polytechnic University), Jiaozuo  454001; 4. Shanxi Hall Shih Coal Co. ,Ltd. ,Changzhi  04660; 5. Coal Mining & Designing Department,Tiandi Science & Technology Co. ,Ltd. , Beijing  100013
  • 摘要
    为掌握采空区高瓦斯体积分数区域空间分布范围,自主研发了一种采空区瓦斯体积分数区域分布三维实测装置,其主要由采气头、采气管、瓦斯流量监测装置、集气装置和瓦斯体积分数检测仪组成,可实现对采空区不同空间区域内瓦斯体积分数的三维实测,并成功将该装置运用于现场,对Y型通风靠近留巷侧采空区瓦斯空间分布进行了三维实测。现场实测结果表明:分段留巷Y型通风条件下,近留巷侧采空区在一定空间范围内出现瓦斯集聚现象,其空间范围为沿工作面倾斜方向距沿空留巷30~45 m,沿留巷延伸方向距工作面35~55 m,垂直煤层底板方向距煤层底板15~30m,瓦斯体积分数最高处可达0. 9%;不同工况条件下,近留巷侧采空区高瓦斯区域空间范围基本相同;近留巷侧采空区形成的高瓦斯集聚区域具有严重的瓦斯爆炸威胁,需采取有效措施加强对近留巷侧采空区高瓦斯集聚区域进行监测和治理。
  • Abstract
    In order to understand the distribution range of high gas concentration in the Y ventilated goaf,a three-di- mensional measurement device for the regional distribution of gas concentration in goaf has been inde-pendently devel- oped. The device is mainly composed of gas recovery head,gas collector,gas flow monitoring device,gas gathering de- vice and gas concentration detector. It can be used to obtain the three dimensional meas-urement of gas concentration in different space areas of the goaf. The device was successfully applied to the mine site to measure the spatial distribu- tion of gas in the goaf near gob-side entry retaining. The field test results show that under the Y ventilated goaf of sub- level gob-side entry retaining,there is a gas agglomeration in a certain space range in the goaf near the gob-side entry retaining. The space range of gas agglomeration is away from the gob-side entry retaining 30-45 m along the working face,away from the working face 35-55 m along the gob-side entry retaining,and away from coal seam floor 15-30 m along the direction of vertical coal seam floor. The highest gas concentration is up to 0. 9% . Under different working conditions,the space range of high gas concentration in the goaf is basically the same. The high gas concentration zone formed by the goaf near the gob-side entry retaining has a serious threat of gas explosion. Therefore,it is necessary to take effective measures to strengthen the monitoring and control of the high gas concentration area in the goaf near the gob-side entry retaining.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    sublevel gob-side entry retaining;three-dimensional measurement;goaf;gas distribution

  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHAO Hongbao,ZHANG Huan,WANG Hongbing,et al. Development and application of a three-dimensional measure- ment device for gas concentration[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43 (12):3411 - 3418.
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