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  • Title

    Study on characteristics of initial desorption of tectonic coal and primary structural coal in northern Guizhou

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Liuyu,LI Xijian,BI Juan,LIU Yu

  • 单位

    贵州大学 矿业学院复杂地质矿山开采安全技术工程中心贵州大学 瓦斯灾害防治与煤层气开发研究所

  • Organization
    1.Mining College, Guizhou University, Guiyang ,China;2.Engineering Center for Safe Mining Technology Under Complex Geologic Condition, Guiyang , China;3.Institute of Gas Disaster Prevention and Coalbed Methane Development of Guizhou University, Guiyang , China
  • 摘要
    为揭示贵州构造煤与原生结构煤解吸初期特性,以黔北兴隆矿构造煤与原生结构煤进行不同温压条件下的吸附/解吸试验,绘制累积瓦斯解吸量与时间的关系图;对比分析温压特性对构造煤和原生结构煤解吸初期的影响。结果表明:构造煤与原生结构煤累积瓦斯解吸量随时间单调递增;同时段内,温度越高瓦斯解吸总量越大,解吸前60 s的解吸量及解吸速率越大,压力越高,解吸速率越大,其增量随时间呈衰减态势,解吸量和解吸压力呈正相关;构造煤的瓦斯解吸初速度、0~60 s的解吸量和60 s以后的解吸速率衰减程度均大于原生结构煤;60~1 800 s内原生结构煤解吸量大于构造煤;1 800~7 200 s内原生结构煤解吸速率及解吸总量大于构造煤,解吸速率衰减程度比构造煤慢;随着解吸温度和瓦斯压力增大,原生结构煤超过构造煤的解吸量随之增大。
  • Abstract
    This paper is devoted to reveal the initial desorption characteristics of tectonic coal and primary structural coal in Guizhou.The adsorption and desorption experiments of tectonic coal and primary structural coal of Xinglong Mine in northern Guizhou have been carried out under different temperatures and pressures. The relationship between accumulated gas desorption capacity and time is illustrated. The influence of temperature and pressure on initial desorption of tectonic coal and primary structural coal is then analyzed. The results show that the cumulative desorption capacity of tectonic coal and primary structural coal increases with time. In the same period, greater total gas desorption capacity is associated with higher temperature. Greater desorption capacity and desorption rate within 60 seconds before desorption are associated with higher temperature as well. Similarly, the desorption rate increases as the pressure increases and the increasing rate decreases with time. The results also show that the desorption capacity is proportion to the desorption pressure. The tectonic coal is greater than the primary structural coal in initial desorption velocity,desorption capacity within the first 60 seconds, and decrease of desorption rate after 60 seconds. However, the primary structural coal is larger than the tectonic coal in desorption capacity between 60 and 1 800 seconds. Desorption rate and total desorption capacity of the primary structural coal are higher than desorption rate and total desorption capacity of the tectonic coal between 1 800 and 7 200 seconds while decrease of desorption rate of the primary structural coal is slower than that of the tectonic coal. Moreover, the desorption capacity difference between the primary structured coal and the tectonic coal increases with the increases of desorption temperature and gas pressure.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    temperature-pressure characteristics; tectonic coal; primary structural coal; characteristics of initial desorption

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