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  • Title

    Study on anomaly characteristics of in-advance DC electric detection of water-accumulated roadway in abandoned coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    HAN Depin,SHI Xuefeng,SHI Xianxin,LI Xueqian,MENG Chao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Xi’an Research Institute,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group,Xi’an 710077,China;2.China Coal Research Institute,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

    为了准确探查煤矿潜在的老窑积水巷道避免引发灾害性透水事故,根据直流电法超前探测原理和以往探测结果,采用统计的方法对已往验证的积水老窑直流电法超前探测的视电阻率异常特征进行了研究。结果表明:老窑积水巷道与电法探测方向不管正交或斜交,因电法的体积勘探效应无法区分;老窑积水巷道共同异常特征为1个单一下尖的低阻异常,宽度范围相对较小(3~5 m);当其异常幅值大于1倍的均方差时,一般对应老窑巷道积满水的情况(可作为预警条件);未积满水的老窑巷道,异常值相对较小,一般大于1/2的均方差;含导水裂隙破碎带常表现为大于1倍的均方差表现为低阻异常特征,但其异常范围常较宽,形态也不同。在实际应用中,使用该技术跟踪掘进工作面超前探测,已经成功预防了多次老窑透水事故。

  • Abstract
    In order to accurately detect water-accumulating roadway in abandoned of coal mines to avoid disastrous water accident, this paper is based on the principle and previous detection results of DC electric in-advance detection. The statistical method is used to study the anomalous characteristics of the apparent resistivity of the previously detection of goaf water.The results show that it is impossible to distinguish whether the water-accumulating roadway in abandoned of coal mines is orthogonal or oblique to the detection direction, due to the volumetric exploration effect of the electric method. The common anomaly feature is a single lower-point low-resistance anomaly with a relatively small width range (about 3~5 m). When the anomaly is greater than one-fold mean square error, it generally corresponds to the situation that the roadway is full of water (can be used as an early warning starting condition). In the roadway not fully filled with water,the outliers are relatively small, generally larger than half-fold mean square error. The water-conducting fractures often exhibit a low-resistance anomaly characterized by more than one-fold mean square error, but its anomaly range is often wider with different forms. In practice, this technology is used to track the heading face advanced detection of buried goaf water which has successfully prevented multiple accidents.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    DC electric method; water-accumulatied roadway;gob of coal mines; advanced detection;apparent resistivity anomaly

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    • 直流电法超前探测原理示意

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