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  • Title

    Variation and climate response of NDVI3g(1982—2013) in Binchang mining area of Shaanxi Province

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Wensi1,3,4 ,MA Chao1,2 ,LIU Weiwei1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. College of Surveying & Land Information Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454000,China; 2. Key Laboratory of State Bureau of Survey-ing and Mapping of Mine Spatial Information Technology,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454000,China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sci-ence,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou  730000,China; 4. University of Chinese Academy of Sci-ences,Beijing  100049,China
  • 摘要

    过去30 a,全球归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)呈增加趋势,植被返青期(SOS)提前,枯黄期(EOS)滞后,生长期(LOS)延长。作为人类经济活动最密集的工矿区,其生态环境问题是环境与发展的焦点问题之一,在全球变化的背景下,研究矿区及周边地区NDVI趋势,能很好地反映区域尺度上非自然生态区植被变化及对全球变化的响应。基于GIMMS AVHRR NDVI3g长时间序列遥感影像,利用IDL编程、线性回归、趋势拟合提取研究区1982—2013年植被覆盖的物候信息,分析矿区、缓冲区(10 km,20 km)及生态校验区月度、季度、年际变化情况,推算出植被SOS,EOS与LOS长度变化趋势,并结合气象观测记录分析气候驱动因子(降水、气温)与NDVI变化相关性。时序相关性分析表明:32 a彬长矿区年均NDVI总量随时间序列缓慢升高,32 a增长百分比达13.31%;生态校验区NDVI总量随时间序列升高趋势明显,32 a增长百分比达1945%;受人类活动影响,矿区NDVI阶段增长百分比明显低于生态校验区。空间相关性分析表明:彬长矿区NDVI原始基底值高于校验区,植被SOS提前6±3 d,EOS滞后5±3 d,LOS延长11±3 d;生态校验区植被SOS提前3±3 d,EOS滞后3±3 d,LOS延长6±3 d;矿区植被LOS延长天数高于生态校验区5 d。气候相关性分析表明:彬长矿区处于半湿润气候区,植被对气温变化的响应高于降水,植被生长对降水有2~3 a的滞后性,NDVI的增加与该区气温升高、降水减少的共同作用有关。研究认为,采矿活动使得矿区及其周边地区植被活动放缓,年均NDVI增长率明显低于生态校验区;在全球变化作用下,植被LOS延长的基础上,人类活动使得矿区植被LOS被再度延长。

  • Abstract

    In the past 30 years,the global normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) showed an increasing trend, the start of the vegetation growing season (SOS) was advanced,the end of the growing season (EOS) was delayed and the length of growing season ( LOS) was prolonged. As the most intensive industrial and mining area of human eco- nomic activities,its ecological environment is one of the focal issues of environment and development. Under the back- ground of global climate change,the NDVI trend in the mining area and around can well reflect vegetation change in non-natural ecological zones and its response to global change at regional scale. Based on the long-term sequence of GIMMS AVHRR NDVI3g remote sensing images,the phenological information of vegetation cover was extracted by using IDL programming,linear regression and trend fitting in the study area from 1982 to 2013. Analyzing the month- ly,quarterly and annually variations of the mining area,buffer zone (10 km,20 km) and its calibration area,the varia- tion trends in SOS,EOS and LOS length were obtained,and finally the correlation between the climatic driving factors (i. e. precipitation,temperature) and the change of NDVI was analyzed combined with meteorological records. The temporal-correlation analysis demonstrates that the average annual NDVI of Binchang mining area increased slowly with an annual growth rate of 13. 31% over the past 32 years. But the total NDVI in natural ecological check area ( CK) showed apparent growth trend with an annual growth rate up to 19. 45% . Therefore,it can be concluded that the annual growth rate of NDVI in mining areas is significantly lower than that in the CK under the influence of human ac- tivities. Spatial-correlation analysis indicates that the original NDVI value of the Binchang mining area is higher than that of the CK. In the mining area,the vegetation SOS is 6±3 days ahead of time,the EOS lags behind 5±3 days and the LOS extends 11±3 days. The corresponding values in the CK area are 3±3 days,3±3 days and 6±3 days,respec- tively. The extension of LOS in the mining area is longer than that in CK for 6 days. Climate-correlation analysis shows that Binchang mining area is located in the semi-humid climate zone. As a result,the response of vegetation to temper- ature change is higher than to precipitation,and vegetation growth has a lag of 2 to 3 years in response to precipitation. In other word,the increase of NDVI depends on the interactions of temperature rise and precipitation decrease. The study concludes that the mining activities slow down the vegetation growth in the mining area and around,and the an- nual growth rate of NDVI is obviously lower than that in the CK. Under the effects of global change and based on the extension of LOS,the vegetation LOS extends further in the mining area due to the human activities.

  • 关键词

    GIMMS AVHRR NDVI3g彬长矿区生态校验区采矿活动气候变化生长期

  • KeyWords

    GIMMS AVHRR / NDVI3g;Binchang mining area;checked area (CK);mining activities;climate change; length of growing season(LOS)

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    MA Wensi,MA Chao,LIU Weiwei. Variation and climate response of NDVI3g(1982—2013) in Binchang mining area of Shaanxi Province[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(4):1197 -1206.
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