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  • Title

    Influence of polyaluminum chloride on the preparation of ultra clean coal by selective oil agglomeration

  • 作者


  • Author

    DONG Zilong,YANG Qiaowen,DOU Meng,FENG Yao,XU Jing,LIU Xianghui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China
  • 摘要

    为探索选择性聚团法制备超纯煤的工艺条件,以太西无烟煤为研究对象,分析了太西无烟煤的性质和矿物质的种类。采用选择性聚团法对超细粉碎后的煤粉进行分选实验,研究了研磨时间、煤油用量、仲辛醇用量和聚合氯化铝用量对精煤灰分和收率的影响,并对比了氯化铝、26%和29%的聚合氯化铝对分选效果的影响。通过Zeta电位仪测定添加不同用量的聚合氯化铝的煤样Zeta电位,利用光学接触角测量仪测定不同聚合氯化铝用量下的太西煤样和人工矿物表面的润湿性,采用DLVO理论计算揭示聚合氯化铝对煤中异类矿物质颗粒间相互作用机制。结果表明,当煤油用量为1.19 kg/t、仲辛醇用量为0.40 kg/t、聚合氯化铝用量为50 g/t、研磨时间为30 min时,分选出的超纯煤灰分达到0.64%,精煤产率为68.91%。相同药剂用量下,添加聚合氯化铝比氯化铝的浮选精煤产率高,与未添加聚合氯化铝分选效果相比,精煤灰分降低了0.18%,精煤产率提高了19.38%。当26%和29%聚合氯化铝用量为50g/t时,两者精煤产率都达到最大,分别为68.91%和75.00%,精煤灰分分别为0.64%和0.71%,添加26%聚合氯化铝比29%聚合氯化铝脱灰效果好。随着聚合氯化铝用量的增加,煤的Zeta电位值不断增加,由-28.7 mV增加到-20.63 mV。添加聚合氯化铝后煤的接触角增加,疏水性增强,人工矿物表面亲水性增加,煤与人工矿物表面差异性增大。随着聚合氯化铝用量的增加,煤表面Zeta电位值不断增加,由-28.7 mV增加到-20.63 mV。添加聚合氯化铝后煤接触角增加,然而,人工矿物接触角减少,由于煤的疏水性和人工矿物亲水性增加,导致两者表面性质差异增大。根据DLVO理论计算,聚合氯化铝增强了煤与蒙脱石颗粒之间斥力作用,同时增加了煤中无机矿物质的团聚效果,减少了无机矿物质对煤颗粒表面罩盖和异质细泥夹带作用,降低了精煤灰分。聚合氯化铝和氯化铝对煤中矿物质脱除具有促进作用,低用量条件下聚合氯化铝分选效果优于氯化铝。

  • Abstract

    In order to explore the preparation conditions to produce ultra clean coal by selective oil agglomeration,Taixi anthracite was investigated in this study,including the properties of Taixi anthracite coal and the mineral types in coal. The selective oil agglomeration method was used to sort the ultrafine pulverized coal. The effect of the grinding time,kerosene dosage,2-octanol,polyaluminum chloride and aluminum chloride on the ash content and yield of clean coal were discussed. The effects of aluminum chloride,26% polyaluminum chloride and 29% polyaluminum chloride on the sort efficiency were compared. Zeta potentiometer was used to measure the zeta potential of coal samples with different dosages of polyaluminum chloride. The wettabilities of Taixi coal sample and artificial mineral surface at different dosa- ges of polyaluminum chloride were measured by optical contact angle meter. The interaction mechanism between poly- aluminum chloride and heterogeneous mineral particles in coal was revealed by DLVO theoretical calculation. The re- sults show that the ash content of ultra clean coal is 0. 64% and the yield of clean coal is 68. 91% when kerosene con- tent is 1. 19 kg / t,sec-octanol content is 0. 40 kg / t,polyaluminum chloride content is 50 g / t and grinding time is 30 min. At the same dosage a higher clean coal yield was achieved with polyaluminum chloride than that with aluminum chloride. Compared with the separation effect without polyaluminum chloride,the ash content of the clean coal decreases by 0. 18% ,and the clean coal yield increases by 19. 38% . When the dosage of polyaluminum chloride 26% and 29% is 50 g / t,the clean coal yield reaches the maximum of 68. 91% and 75. 00% respectively. The ash contents of clean coal are 0. 64% and 0. 71% respectively. The effect of demineralization with 26% polyaluminum chloride is better than that with 29% polyaluminum chloride. With the increase of polyaluminum chloride,the Zeta potential value of coal increased from -28. 7 mV to -20. 63 mV. The contact angle of coal increased with the addition of polyaluminum chloride,however, the contact angle of artificial minerals decreased. Due to the increase of hydrophobicity of coal and the hydrophilicity of artificial minerals,the difference of surface properties between them was increased. According to DLVO theory,the repul- sion between coal and montmorillonite particles is enhanced by polyaluminum chloride. On the one hand,the agglomera- tion of inorganic minerals in coal increases. On the other hand,the effect of inorganic minerals on the surface cover of coal particles and the entrainment of heterogeneous slime is reduced,resulting in the reduction of ash content in clean coal. Polyaluminum chloride and aluminum chloride can promote the removal of minerals from coal. At low dosage the separation effect is better with polyaluminum chloride than that with aluminum chloride.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultra clean coal;selective oil agglomeration;polyaluminum chloride;DLVO theory

  • DOI
  • Citation
    DONG Zilong,YANG Qiaowen,DOU Meng,et al. Influence of polyaluminum chloride on the preparation of ultra clean coal by selective oil agglomeration[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44 (7):2245 - 2252.
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  • 图表
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