• 全部
  • Title

    Study on removal of organic matter from high-salt wastewater in coal chemical industry

  • 作者


  • Author

    DU Song,JIN Wenbiao,LIU Ning,MU Weiteng

  • 单位

    哈尔滨工业大学( 深圳) 土木与环境工程学院大唐(北京)水务工程技术有限公司

  • Organization
    1.School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology(Shenzhen),Shenzhen ,China;2.Datang (Beijing) Water Engineering Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

    煤化工高含盐废水中有机物的去除是一项难题,利用臭氧催化氧化技术去除煤化工高盐废水中难降解有机物,过程中无新增盐量,因此优势明显。以高压反渗透浓盐水为研究对象,搭建小试平台,研究了4种主要活性成分为Fe-Mn-K、Mn-MgO、Mn-Co-Cu、Mn的催化剂对臭氧氧化处理高含盐废水的效果,选出效果最佳的Mn-MgO催化剂,在中国石化长城能源化(宁夏)工园区现场进行中试试验,研究了气水比及循环运行次数这2项关键工艺参数对有机物去除效果的影响。结果表明:反应120 min后,Mn-MgO催化剂对COD的去除率高达70%左右,废水色度也明显降低,而其他3种催化剂作用下COD的去除率均未超过65%,气水比为1∶4时,COD去除率约在25%,而提高至1∶2时,COD去除率反而降低,仅为15%。中试运行的结果均表明,随着循环次数的增加COD去除率增大。

  • Abstract
    Catalytic ozonation is a kind of advanced oxidation technology, widely used in industrial wastewater treatment process in recent years, which has the advantages of high removal efficiency of organic matter and no secondary pollution. In order to effectively remove organic matter from high-salt wastewater from coal chemical industry, the advantages of catalytic ozonation technology in refractory organic wastewater were utilized. Reverse osmosis concentrated brine was used as the source of wastewater. Four catalysts with different active components(Fe-Mn-K, Mn-MgO, Mn-Co-Cu, Mn) were investigated. The effect of ozone oxidation on high-salt wastewater was studied, and the catalyst with the best catalytic(Mn-MgO) effect was pilot tested in the Sinopec Ningxia Energy Chemical Site. The effects of gas-water ratio and cycle number on the treatment effect were studied. The results showed that after 120 min reaction, the removal rate of COD by catalyst Mn-MgO was as high as 70%, and the color of wastewater was also significantly reduced. The removal rate of COD under the other three catalysts did not exceed 65%, indicating that the best treatment effect is catalyst Mn-MgO. In the pilot test, the COD removal rate was about 25% when the gas-water ratio was 1∶4, and the COD removal rate was only about 15% when it was increased to 1∶2. The results of the test run for 3 days all showed that the COD removal rate increased with the increase of the number of cycles.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high-salt wastewater from coal chemical industry; catalyst; catalytic ozone oxidation; wastewater treatment

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