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  • Title

    Route selection algorithm of open-pit mine transportation system

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Guangwei1 ,CHAI Senlin1,3 ,BAI Runcai2 ,ZHAO Jingchang2 ,LI Haoran1 ,ZHANG Jing1

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院辽宁工程技术大学 辽宁省高等学校矿产资源开发利用技术及装备研究院盐城工学院 经济管理学院

  • Organization
    1. School of Mines,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin 123000,China; 2. Liaoning Academy of Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Technology and Equipment Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin 123000,China; 3. School of Economics & Management,Yancheng Instiute of Technology,Yancheng 
  • 摘要

    单斗卡车工艺具有机动灵活、爬坡能力强、便于选采、基建速度快、开采强度大等优点,在我国露天矿山被广泛应用。但近年来,因受到重型卡车设备机修、维护保养、燃油成本高昂等经济因素限制,导致单斗卡车工艺吨公里运输经济性问题一直备受关注,并以此派生出了一系列优化卡车运输经济性的相关课题,如运输系统参数优化、路径优化以及剥离物流向-流量规划等相关研究。这类优化研究普遍以经验化的人工定线方案为基础,以压缩运距、控制道路运输功为优化目标展开,忽略了开拓运输道路对于实际优化问题的影响。常规的露天矿开拓运输系统选线方法主要依赖人工经验试错来制定选线方案,主观性极强、效率低且难以优化控制线路成本,随着剥、采工程发展,易导致卡车运输系统的经济合理性受限。为有效解决这一问题,以JONG提出的城际高速公路选线方法为理论基础,综合分析了运输道路系统的基本组成、结构形态以及线形特点,引入一种分阶段的选线剖面布置形式,并结合线路的几何特性定义了线路桩点位置的代数表达及线形约束检验的计算方法;研究了道路生命周期内的成本核算方法,标定了费用成本指标,建立了基于选线道路费用成本最优化的数值计算模型;最后,为进一步提高遗传算法的收敛能力及求解效率,将生物激励神经网络(Bio-Inspired NN)引入到路径基因编码过程中,以实现对编码的启发式修正。实验结果表明:相比于矿山现有的手工定线方法,优化后的线路费用成本更低,能快速、有效地解决矿山运输系统定线问题,证明文中算法模型对于解决此类矿山选线问题可行且有效。

  • Abstract
    The cable shovel-truck process has the advantages of flexibility,strong climbing ability,suitable for selective mining,fast infrastructure construction and high mining intensity,etc. Due to the advantages of flexibility and unre- stricting by terrain conditions,which are unreplaceable by other mining methods,it has been widely used in China’ s open pit mines. However,over the years,because of the limits of economic factors such as heavy truck equipment over- haul,maintenance,and high fuel costs,the transportation economy of the cable shovel-truck technology has caused a lot of concerns and derived a series of related research topics,such as the transportation system parameter optimization,the route optimization and stripping flow planning,etc. This kind of optimization research is generally based on the empirical manual routing scheme,and takes the reduction of transport distance and the control of road transport work as the optimization objectives. It is easy to ignore the influence of the development of transport road on the actual opti- mization problem. The conventional route selection method of open-pit mine development and transportation system mainly relies on the trial and error of manual experience to make the route selection plan. This method has strong sub- jectivity,low efficiency and is difficult to optimize and control the route cost. With the exploitation of stripping and mining projects,the economic rationality of truck transport system is easily limited. In order to solve this problem, based on JONG theory of inter-city highway route selection,a phased layout of route selection profile considering the alignment characteristics of open-pit haul route is introduced in this paper,and the algebraic expression of the position of the route pile point and the calculation method of alignment constraint are given based on the geometric characteris- tics of the route. The cost accounting method of road in the life cycle is studied. The cost calculation method is presen- ted and the optimal route selection model is built based on cost optimization. Finally,in order to further improve the convergence ability and solving efficiency of genetic algorithm,bio-inspired NN is introduced into the path gene enco- ding process to realize the heuristic modification of coding. The experimental results show that comparing with the ex- isting route schemes,the optimized route costs are lower. The algorithm effectively solves the routing selection problem of haul system. This result demonstrates the algorithm model in this paper is feasible and effective for solving such kind of route selection problem.
  • 关键词

    露天矿运输道路选线算法改进遗传算法(IGA)生物激励神经网络(Bio-Inspired NN)

  • KeyWords

    open-pit mine;haul system;route selection algorithm;IGA;Bio-Inspired NN

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    LIU Guangwei,CHAI Senlin,BAI Runcai,et al. Route selection algorithm of open-pit mine transportation system[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(12):3931-3940.
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  • 图表
    • 连续剖面选线算法原理

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