• 全部
  • Title

    Research on integrated monitoring technology and practice of“space-sky-ground”on surface movement in mining area

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Kai,LI Quansheng,DAI Huayang,GUO Junting,YAN Yueguan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.2030 Project Office,National Energy Investment Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing ,China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining,Beijing ,China;3.China University of Mining Technology-Beijing,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

    矿区地表移动观测是研究开采影响规律、损害防治、矿区地质灾害预警、开采减损方案设计或优化的主要手段和依据。因观测技术的局限性和矿区地形条件的复杂性,使得观测工作在观测精度、观测效率、人力投入、经济成本及数据处理等方面难以满足实际需求。为实现复杂地形或大区域条件下矿区地表移动的高效、高精度观测,阐述了目前矿区常用的精密水准测量、导线测量、GNSS测量技术、InSAR测量技术、无人机遥感测量技术、激光雷达扫描技术在观测精度、作业效率、数据可靠性等方面的优势和不足;针对传感器空间位置特征、数据采集特征以及数据的可融合性,提出了传统高精度测量与现代高效快速大范围测量相结合的空天地一体化监测技术,建立了集数据采集、数据处理及结果展示为一体的空天地一体化监测体系;提出了数据采集以高精度、高效率、低成本,数据处理以高质量、快速,结果展示以直观、全面的空天地一体化监测准则。采用InSAR、GNSS、三维激光扫描技术在神东上湾矿进行了监测,较好地分析了地表下沉分布特征,协同监测结果表明,在开采面积0.58 km2时,地表沉陷面积0.71 km2,最大下沉量6 300 mm,下沉系数0.63~0.72,与动态实时监测结果一致。应用结果表明,空天地一体化监测多源数据融合方法,可以满足浅埋、高强度开采、复杂地形及植被影响矿区的地表移动观测需求。

  • Abstract
    Ground surface movement observation in mining area is the main means and basis for studying the law of mining influence,damage prevention, early warning of mining area geological disasters, design or optimization of mining damage reduction scheme.Due to the limitations of observation techniques and the complexity of the terrain conditions of the mining area, it is difficult to meet the actual needs meet the actual needs in terms of observation accuracy, observation efficiency, manpower investment, economic cost and data processing.In order to achieve high-efficiency and high-precision observation of surface movement of mining areas under complex terrain or large-area conditions, the precision level measurement, traverse measurement, GNSS measurement technology, InSAR measurement technology,UAV remote sensing measurement technology, and Lidar scanning commonly used in mining areas are described, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of technology in terms of observation accuracy, work efficiency, data reliability, etc.Aiming at the spatial location characteristics of sensors, data acquisition characteristics and and the fusibility of data, a combination of traditional high-precision measurement and modern high-efficiency and fast large-scale measurement was proposed.The integrated monitoring technology of air and space has established an integrated monitoring system for data collection, data processing and results display.It proposes high precision, high efficiency and low cost for data acquisition, and high quality and fast data processing.The results are displayed with intuitive and comprehensive air-space-ground integration monitoring guidelines.Using the method, InSAR, GNSS and 3D laser scanning technology were used to monitor and apply in Shendong Shangwan mine, and the distribution characteristics of surface subsidence were well analyzed.The results of collaborative monitoring results show that the surface subsidence area was 0.58~0.71 km2, the maximum sinking amount is 5 812~6 300 mm, and the subsidence factor is 0.68~0.72, which is consistent with the dynamic real-time monitoring results.The application results show that the multi-source data fusion method for air-space-ground integrated monitoring can meet the requirements of shallow-buried,high-intensity mining,complex terrain and vegetation affecting the surface movement observation of mining areas.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining area impact; surface movement observation; space - sky - ground integrated monitoring; field measurement,complex terrain

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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