• 全部
  • Title

    Evaluation system for floor water inrush risk in grout-reinforced working faces based on grouting boreholes dataset

  • 作者


  • Author

    XU Yanchun1 ,HUANG Lei1 ,YU Hongqing2 ,LUO Yaqi1 ,LI Pengfei1 , GENG Haobo1 ,FEI Yu1 ,ZHAO Zhao1 ,ZHANG Luoxun1

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院焦作煤业(集团)有限责任公司

  • Organization
    1. School of Energy and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 2. Jiaozuo Coal Industrial (Group) Co. ,Ltd. ,Jiaozuo  454002,China
  • 摘要

    为了探究注浆加固工作面底板突水机理和注浆治理效果的评价方法,以焦作矿区5个大型矿井为工程背景,以包含13个工作面2 245个注浆钻孔的3类工程信息为依托,建立了基于注浆钻孔数据集的注浆工作面底板突水危险性评价体系。该评价体系从注浆加固工作面突水实例和矿井突水点资料入手,综合考虑研究区地质构造、含水层水头压力、底板导水性、钻孔注浆量等因素,统计注浆加固前后底板钻孔信息与水文地质信息的变化量,提出了在采动影响基本相同的条件下,注浆加固工作面突水主要受底板注浆条件和注浆加固效果的2类影响;确定了4个注浆条件类影响因子,包括工作面突水危险区因子、沿工作面走向出水水源显示因子、工作面底板导水性因子以及工作面严重危险区底板导水性因子和3个注浆效果类影响因子,包括工作面正常带与断层带注浆量差异因子、注浆孔水压与累计注浆量叠加因子以及注浆孔水压、涌水量及注浆量次序变化因子,提出了每个影响因子的等级划分标准、效果评价标准,并归纳了影响因子的8种解析图型;通过对比工作面突水与不突水事例影响因子中指标的差异性,进行显性、一般和隐性的3类显隐性划分;最后提出了一种注浆钻孔的水量、水压、注浆量的动态“三参量”评价方法。以期为分析注浆加固工作面底板突水危险性,评价注浆治理效果提供新研究方式和科技支撑。

  • Abstract
    To explore the mechanism of floor water inrush and evaluation methods for grouting effect in grout-reinforced working faces,an evaluation system for floor water inrush risks was established based on the dataset of 3 types of engi- neering information drawn from 2 245 grouting boreholes in 13 working faces of 5 large-scale coal mines in the Jiaozuo mining area,China. Through the case studies of water inrush accidents and data analysis for past water inrush points, the evaluation system considered several key factors including geological structures,hydraulic pressure of underlying aquifers,floor water-conducting properties,and grouting amounts. Based on the changes of borehole data and hydrogeo- logical characteristics in the floor recorded during the grouting process,it was concluded that floor water inrush in grout-reinforced working faces was mainly related to grouting conditions and grouting effects,assuming that mining-in- duced influences were the same. Four effecting factors related to grouting conditions included the dangerous zone of water inrush,water sources along strike,floor water-conducting properties in working faces,and floor water-conducting properties in severely dangerous zones,and three effecting factors related to grouting effects included differences in grouting amount between normal and fault zones,relationship of water pressure and cumulative grouting amount over time,and sequential variations of water pressure,water inflow,and grouting amount. Criteria of classification and effect evaluation for each factor were developed,and eight kinds of analytic legends were concluded. By comparing the differ- ences of each factor between water inrush and safe mining cases,the seven factors were categorized into significant fac- tors,moderate factors,and implicit factors. Finally,a risk evaluation method based on water pressure,water volume, and grouting amount (referred to as three-parameters) was proposed. The study presented a novel method and provid- ed academic support to the risk analysis of floor water inrush and grouting effect evaluation in grout-reinforced working faces.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    grout-reinforced;floor water inrush risk;effecting factor;three-parameters

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    XU Yanchun,HUANG Lei,YU Hongqing,et al. Evaluation system for floor water inrush risk in grout-reinforced work- ing faces based on grouting boreholes dataset[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(3):1150 -1159.
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