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地温测量方法研究与应用 ———以淮南矿区为例
  • Title

    Study and application on ground temperature measurement methods:taking Huainan Mining Area as an example

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Changxing,LIU Jia,YE Shugang

  • 单位

    淮南矿业(集团)有限责任公司中国地质大学(北京) 地球物理与信息技术学院中煤科工集团西安研究院有限公司

  • Organization
    1.Huainan Mining (Gruop) Co.,Ltd.,Huainan ,China;2.School of Geophysics and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing ,China;3.China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Xi’an Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an
  • 摘要



    研究结果表明:该区地温梯度为3.2 ℃/hm,1 000 m深度井底温度可达48 ℃,属地温异常区;对于地球浅部地温使用直接测温法较为精确,对于地球深部地温则需要使用间接测温法,虽然只能粗略的推算出地球深部的温度,但是其误差可忽略不计。

  • Abstract
    The earth’s thermal field,also called the earth’s temperature field, geothermal field or geothermal field,is one of the physical fields of the earth, just like the earth′s electric field, gravity field and magnetic field. Understanding the earth’s shallow layers(shallow crust) temperature is used to study some issues closely related to energy,such as predicting oil and gas fields, determining the thickness and location of coal seam, and preventing coal mine gas explosion. Understanding the temperature of the earth′s deep (mantle, core) temperature was used to study the exchange of material and energy within the earth as well as the deep dynamics. Therefore, in order to formulate reasonable underground geothermal survey methods, it was necessary to explore some methods of measuring temperature and to verify them with actual data. Through summarizing methods and principles of direct and indirect temperature measurements,using to acquire ground temperature data in Guqiao Coalfield , directly measuring temperature of approximate real ground temperature curves was obtained. The results combined with indirect temperature measurement method including analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of the ground temperature measurement method. The results show that the geothermal gradienrt of Guqiao Coalfield is 3.2 ℃/hm,anel the bottom hole temperature reaches up to 48 ℃,shown as geothermal anomaly; The direct temperature measurement method is more accurate for shallow part of the earth and the indirect temperature measurement method is suitable for deep part of the earth. Although the temperature in deep part of the earth can only be roughly estimated, the error can be neglected.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    geothermal field; directly measuring temperature; indirect temperature measurement;Huainan Coalfield

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(41604119,41425017);国家科技重大专项资助项目( 2016ZX05002005-003-002)
  • 相关专题
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