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  • Title

    High-precision inversion method of coal seam thickness based on transmission channel wave

  • 作者


  • Author

    CUI Weixiong,WANG Baoli,WANG Yunhong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Xi’an Research Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp. ,Xi’an 710077,China
  • 摘要

    矿井地质条件复杂,煤岩体的非均质性和各向异性、煤层结构和煤岩层组合特征、以及巷道条件导致炮检点环境的差异,均会影响槽波的形成及传播,使实际槽波传播特征与理论“岩-煤-岩”模型差别甚远,增加了透射槽波方法反演煤层厚度的准确性和难度。为提高煤矿井下采煤工作面煤层厚度变化的预测精度,提出了基于槽波频散理论和分频处理技术反演煤层厚度变化的方法,通过理论情况下Love型槽波传播规律建立了不同频率下槽波群速度与煤层厚度的关系,采用窄带滤波方法分析了成像频带对反演精度的影响,提出了层析成像频带优选策略,提高了群速度反演煤层厚度的精度;将该方法应用于陕西铜川焦平矿区2408工作面煤层厚度探测,该工作面平均煤层厚度7.6 m,选择50~80 Hz的频率区间对层析成像频带进行研究,定义了煤层厚度采样点与槽波群速度的分类关系,利用87个巷道采样点评价了各成像频段对群速度和反演煤层厚度的影响,优选60~75 Hz频带的成像群速度与巷道采样点和回采揭露点的相关性分别为81.6%和85.1%;将优选频带反演的煤层厚度与回采前后181个实际煤层厚度数据进行误差分析,煤层厚度预测误差绝对值小于0.40 m(误差小于5%)和0.80 m(误差小于10%)的点数,分别达到48.62%和85.64%。结果表明:透射槽波层析成像预测工作面煤层厚度的精度与层析成像的频带有关,成像主频越高、频带越窄,层析成像对煤层厚度的反演精度就越高,但可反演最大煤层厚度变小。因此,成像主频应考虑层析成像对研究区煤层大部分区域都有良好效果,选择槽波群速度变化率极大值曲线上平均煤层厚度对应的频率,使层析群速度与煤层厚度采样点相关性更高的最小频率范围为最佳频带宽度。

  • Abstract
    Geological conditions of mine are much more complex,the heterogeneity and anisotropy of coal and rock,the coal seam structure and association with rock strata,and the environment discrepancies of shot or receiver caused by the roadway conditions,all of this will affect the formation and propagation of channel wave,and cause the actual propagation characteristics of channel wave different from “rock coal rock” theoretical model,the accuracy and difficulty of the calculated coal seam thickness by the ISS has increased. In order to improve the prediction accuracy of coal seam thickness in coal mining face,a method based on the theory of channel wave dispersion and frequency division processing technology is proposed,the relationship between the group velocity and the coal seam thickness under different frequencies is established,the influence of imaging frequency band on the imaging accuracy is analyzed by using the narrow band filtering method,and the principle of frequency band optimization for CT is proposed. It can improve the inversion accuracy of coal seam thickness from group velocity. This method is applied to the coal seam thickness detection of 2408 working face in Jiaoping mining area,Tongchuan,Shaanxi province. The average thickness of coal seam is 7.6 m. A comparative analysis of CT frequency band in the range of 50-80 Hz is developed. The classification relationship between coal seam thickness samples and group velocity of channel wave is defined. 87 samples before mining are used to evaluate the impact of each imaging frequency band on the group velocity and the coal seam thickness. The correlation between the group velocity of the optimized frequency band CT and the coal seam thickness samples before and after mining is respectively 81. 6% and 85. 1% . The error between the inversion thickness of coal seam from optimum frequency band CT and 181 actual coal seam thickness data before and after mining is analyzed. The absolute value of prediction error of coal seam thickness is less than 5% and 10% ,reaching 48. 62% and 85. 64% respectively. The results show that the accuracy of coal seam thickness predicted by the ISS is related to the frequency band of CT. The higher main frequency and the narrower band of frequency,the higher accuracy of CT for calculating the coal seam thickness,but the smaller the maximum thickness can be inversed. Therefore,the main imaging frequency should consider that CT has good effect on most areas of the coal seam in the study area,use the frequency corresponding to the average coal seam thickness on the curve which has the maximum change rate of channel wave group velocity,and the best band width is the minimum frequency range with higher correlation between the group velocity and the coal seam thickness samples.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal seam thickness;transmission channel wave;coal mining face;frequency dispersion;velocity tomography;imaging frequency band

  • DOI
  • Citation
    CUI Weixiong,WANG Baoli,WANG Yunhong. High-precision inversion method of coal seam thickness based on transmission channel wave[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(7):2482-2490.
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  • 图表
    • 不同频率下槽波群速度-煤层厚度变化曲线

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