Effects of high intensive vegetation restoration on groundwater recharge in ecologically fragile mining area
王强民 董书宁王文科王皓
WANG Qiangmin ,DONG Shuning ,WANG Wenke ,WANG Hao
煤炭科学研究总院中煤科工集团西安研究院有限公司陕西省煤矿水害防治技术重点实验室长安大学 环境科学与工程学院旱区地下水文与生态效应教育部重点实验室
为研究生态脆弱矿区高强度植被恢复对地下水补给的影响机制,结合野外裸土区和植被覆盖区两个原位试验观测点的观测数据,以两种模式下的降水—土壤水—地下水转化过程为研究对象,在遥感解译和野外原位观测试验的基础上,采用数值模拟分析不同叶面积指数条件下的植被耗水特征和降水入渗系数。研究结果表明:矿区尺度的植被指数和植被净初级生产力都呈持续增加现象,表现为低覆盖区连续减小,中、高覆盖区持续增大;裸土区20 cm处土壤总水势最大,表现为土壤水自20 cm处向上、下两侧运移,较易接受大气降水的补给。植被覆盖区土壤总水势远低于裸土区的土壤水势,在根系密集区出现水势低点,表现为上部、下部和侧向的土壤水向植被根系处运移,不易接受大气降水的补给;裸土区地下水位表现出缓慢上升的趋势,以低强度的入渗补给为主;植被覆盖区地下水位表现出明显的持续下降趋势,以高强度的蒸发排泄为主。受植被蒸腾耗水影响,地下水面处水分垂向交换量由-0.035 cm/d(入渗)增加至0.480 cm/d(排泄),使得水分运移方向和水分垂向交换量都发生明显改变;随着叶面积指数的增加植被耗水量呈增加趋势,土壤中向下运移的水流通量逐步减小,导致地下水接受降水的补给量减小,表现出随着叶面积指数的增加,降水入渗系数逐步减小。数值模拟结果表明,裸土条件下风积沙的入渗系数为0.54,随着叶面积指数由0增大至3.5,入渗系数减小至0.198,减小幅度高达63.3%,对榆神矿区的地下水补给产生重要的影响。在榆神矿区植被恢复的工程实践中,应优先考虑植被类型和植被覆盖度两个基本要素,选择耗水量较小的植被类型和适宜的植被覆盖度,避免出现由于区域生态耗水量过大引发的降水入渗补给量大幅减小的现象发生,以实现生态脆弱矿区植被恢复与地下水资源保护的协调发展。
Taking the transmission processes of the precipitation,soil water and groundwater as the research object,the methods of remote sensing,in-situ test and numerical simulation were used to study the effects of high intensive vegetation restoration on groundwater recharge in arid mining area combined with the observation data in bare soil area and vegetation covered area. The results showed that both the normalized difference vegetation index and the net primary productivity of vegetation demonstrated a continuous increase in the mining area which indicated a continuous decrease of the low coverage area and a continuous increase of the medium and high coverage area. The largest total soil water potential was at the depth of 20 cm in the bare soil area which manifested that the soil water moved upward and downward from the depth of 20 cm,therefore it was easy to receive the recharge of precipitation. However,the total soil water potential in the vegetation cover area was much lower than in the bare soil area and there was a low total soil water potential zone in the root distribution area which manifested that the soil water moved from the upside,downside and lateral to the root distribution area,therefore it was difficult to receive the recharge of precipitation. The groundwater level showed a slow rising trend with a low intensity infiltration in bare soil area. However, the groundwater level showed an obvious trend of continuous decline with a high intensity of evaporation in the vegetation covered area. Owing to the influence of vegetation transpiration,the vertical water exchange capacity at the groundwater level increased from -0. 035 cm / d ( bare soil area) to 0. 48 cm / d ( vegetation covered area),which changed the direction and amount of water transmission. With the increase of leaf area index (LAI),the water consumption of vegetation tended to increase. Therefore,the downward soil water flux gradually decreased and the groundwater recharge decreased which showed that with the increase of leaf area index,the precipitation infiltration coefficient gradually decreased. For instance,the numerical simulation results showed that the infiltration coefficient of wind-blown sand was 0. 54 under bare soil condition (LAI = 0),and it decreased from 0. 54 to 0. 198 with the increase of leaf area index from 0 to 3. 5,while this ratio was near 63. 3% which had a great influences on the groundwater recharge in the Yushen mining area. It is better to choose the vegetation type with small water consumption and an appropriate vegetation coverage for the engineering practice of vegetation restoration in Yushen mining area which can avoid the phenomenon that the precipitation infiltration coefficient decreases greatly due to the excessive regional ecological water consumption. The results of this study have a scientific guidance for enriching the harmonious development of vegetation restoration and groundwater resources protection in the western ecologically fragile mining area of China.
vegetation restoration;vegetation coverage;groundwater recharge;ecologically fragile mining area;leaf area index
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会