• 全部
  • Title

    Characteristics of present-day in-situ stress field under multi-seam condtions: Implications for coalbed mthane development

  • 作者


  • Author

    JU Wei,JIANG Bo ,QIN Yong ,WU Caifang ,LI Ming ,XU Haoran ,WANG Shengyu

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 煤层气资源与成藏过程教育部重点实验室中国矿业大学 资源与地球科学学院

  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process,Ministry of Education,China University of Mining and Technology; School of Resources and Geosciences,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    我国煤层气资源较为丰富,滇东地区是我国长江以南著名的煤层气产区,其内雨旺区块二叠系煤层气资源丰富,具有可观的开发前景。现今地应力状态是影响煤层气勘探开发的重要地质因素,对有效开发煤层气资源具有实践指导意义。但目前对雨旺区块现今地应力的研究仅限于利用注入/压降测试数据开展的地应力大小统计学分析,没有揭示出多煤层发育区不同类型岩石内地应力分布的差异性。本次研究中,首先通过对成像测井资料的解译,揭示钻井诱导缝和钻孔崩落的发育特征,并基于其与地应力的关系确定雨旺区块现今地应力方向;然后再利用常规测井资料,在注入/压降实测地应力数据约束下,基于Anderson修正模型预测雨旺区块二叠系煤层现今地应力的大小及其分布规律。结果表明:滇东雨旺区块现今地应力方向整体呈现为近N—S的优势方位;煤层现今地应力大小随着埋藏深度的增加而增大,水平最大主应力(SHmax)、水平最小主应力(Shmin)和垂向主应力(Sv)大小总体上遵循SHmax≥Sv>Shmin的关系,水平应力起主导作用,表现为走滑型应力机制。在现今地应力场的控制下,雨旺区块内煤储层渗透性随有效地应力的增大而变差,煤层内走向约为330°~150°的割理对煤层气开发贡献更大。走滑型应力机制会造成煤层压裂改造后形成的压裂缝沿垂向扩展。另外,雨旺区块煤层内水平应力差相对较小,一般在6 MPa左右,据此推测可在煤层内形成复杂压裂缝系统。本次研究量化分析了雨旺区块现今地应力状态,其结果可以为滇东雨旺区块煤层气勘探开发提供有益的现今地应力成果参考。

  • Abstract

    China has abundant coalbed methane (CBM) resources. The eastern Yunnan region is a famous CBM pro- duction area in the south of Yangtze River,where the Yuwang Block has abundant CBM resources with some consider- able development prospects. The present-day in-situ stress state is an important geological factor influencing the explo- ration and development of CBM resources,which indicates some practical implications for effective CBM development.However,the current study on the present-day in-situ stress state within the Yuwang Block is only the statistic analysis based on some injection / falloff well tests. The differential distribution of stresses within various types of rocks has not been revealed in the areas with multi-seam conditions. Hence,in this study,the interpretations of drilling-induced frac- tures (DIFs) and borehole breakouts ( BOs) from imaging logs were first carried out. The present-day in-situ stress orientation was determined based on the relationship between stress orientation and DIFs / BOs. Stress magnitudes in the Permian coal seams were calculated using the revised Anderson model corrected with measured stress data from the injection / falloff well tests. The results show that a dominant in-situ stress orientation with N-S-trending appears in the Yuwang Block. Stress magnitudes in coal seams generally increase with burial depth,and the magnitudes of the hori- zontal maximum principal stress (SHmax ),horizontal minimum principal stress ( Shmin ) and vertical stress ( Sv ) follow the relationship SHmax ≥Sv > Shmin ,indicating a strike-slip faulting stress regime. Under the present-day in-situ stress field,the permeability in coal seams will decrease along with the increase of effective in-situ stresses. Those cleats with the strike of about 330°-150° contribute more to the CBM development in the Yuwang Block. Hydraulic fractures may propagate vertically under the strike-slip faulting stress regime. In addition,the horizontal stress difference is relatively low (about 6 MPa),which tends to form a complex hydraulic fracture system. This study quantitatively analyzes the present-day in-situ stress state in the Yuwang Block,whose results may provide some supports in the aspect of present- day in-situ stress field for the CBM exploration and development in the Yuwang Block of eastern Yunnan region.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    the present-day in-situ stress field;coalbed methane;multi-seam condtion;Yuwang Block;eastern Yunnan region;Permian coal seam

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 地质背景

    2 研究方法

      2.1 地应力机制

      2.2 现今地应力方向确定方法

      2.3 现今地应力测井估算方法

    3 雨旺区块现今地应力场特征

      3.1 现今地应力方向特征

      3.2 现今地应力剖面与煤层地应力特征

    4 现今地应力对煤层气开发的影响

      4.1 地应力对煤储层渗透性的影响

      4.2 地应力对割理的影响

      4.3 地应力对煤储层压裂的影响

    5 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    JU Wei,JIANG Bo,QIN Yong,et al. Characteristics of present-day in-situ stress field under multi-seam condtions:Im- plications for coalbed mthane development[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(10):3492-3500.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 滇东-黔西地区残留聚煤盆地分布[21]

    图(17) / 表(0)


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