Principle and key technologies of controlled water mining and practice of fully-mechanized mining under soft sandstone aquifer
天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室
针对我国煤矿地质采矿及水文地质条件千差万别、水体类型错综复杂的现状和水体下压煤开采的工程实践,详细阐述了控水采煤技术的思路、技术原理、技术原则和关键技术,即综合考虑煤矿安全和经济合理等重要因素,针对不同充水能力与补给条件的含水层,通过钻孔预先疏放一定量的含水层静储量,同时采用采动裂缝垂向导水性的差异和滞后压实的特性,实现涌水量大小和形式可控。该技术解决了传统的水体下采煤留设不同类型防水煤岩柱技术而造成煤炭资源的大量损失,或者单一采用含水层疏降技术不仅容易形成人为导水通道,而且过量的钻孔对含水层的疏放增加矿井涌水量及排水费用,同时导致地下水位大幅度下降,使矿区生态环境遭到严重破坏等问题。将控水采煤技术与综放开采工艺特点相结合,应用到内蒙古铁北煤矿半固结砂岩含水层下综放控水开采实践中。研究结果表明:针对铁北煤矿煤层顶板砂岩含水层的赋存状态与富水程度、不同采动覆岩破坏程度、主采煤层与含水层的空间关系,基于控水开采采前预疏与边采边疏相结合的技术原则,利用综放开采采场沿煤层底部布置,放煤厚度灵活调整可控的特点,提出的“顶水开采与疏干或疏降开采相结合、先疏后采与边采边疏相结合、钻孔疏干或疏降与回采疏干或疏降相结合、分段控制放顶煤开采厚度与含水层疏降程度相结合”控水采煤的总体方案是可行的,实现了3~8 m阶梯型采厚安全开采,既控制了工作面的涌水量、改善了工作面作业环境,又有效防止了突水溃沙灾害的发生,取得了综放控水安全开采的成功。
In view of the different geological and hydrogeological conditions,complicated types of water bodies and the engineering practice of coal mining under water body,the idea,technical principle and key technology of water-con- trolled coal mining technology were expounded in detail considering the important factors such as coal mine safety and economic rationality. This technology solves the problems of large coal resources losses caused by different types of wa- terproof coal pillar technology in coal mining under traditional water body,and the problem that the single use of aqui- fer drainage technology is not only easy to form artificial water diversion channel,but also increases mine water inflow and drainage cost due to the excessive drilling of aquifer. Combined with the characteristics of fully mechanized caving technology,the technique was applied to fully mechanized top-coal caving mining under semi-consolidated sandstone aquifer in Tiebei Coal Mine. The results show that according to the existing state and water-rich degree of coal seam roof sandstone aquifer,the different damage degree of overburden and the spatial relationship between main coal seam and aquifer,based on the technical principle of combining pre-mining and edge-mining thinning before water-con- trolled mining,using the layout of fully mechanized caving stope along the bottom of coal seam,the characteristics of flexible adjusting and controllable coal thickness,the overall scheme of water-controlled coal mining,which consists of the combination of mining with top-water body and mining with dewatering or draining,the combination of mining after draining and mining while draining,the combination of borehole dewatering or draining and mining dewatering or drai- ning,and the combination of controlling the thickness of top-coal caving and aquifer draining degree in sections,is fea- sible. Three to eight meter step-type safe mining has been realized,which can control water inflow,improve working environment and prevent water-burst sand disaster.
controlled water mining technology,overburden rock failure,water inflow,full-mechanized caving mining,water inrush sand
1 控水采煤技术的提出、思路及原则
1.1 控水采煤技术思路
1.2 控水采煤技术的原则
2 控水采煤关键技术
2.1 预测分析技术
2.2 探测与监测技术
2.3 控制技术
3 控水采煤技术在半固结砂岩含水层下综放开采实践
3.1 研究区概况
3.2 综放控水开采实践
3.3 综放控水开采效果分析
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会