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  • Title

    Research progress of deep shaft construction mechanics

  • 作者


  • Author

    HE Manchao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing)
  • 摘要

    随着浅部煤炭资源的日益枯竭,我国煤炭开采朝着深部化和大型化方向发展,新建和改扩建的大型立井年生产能力已达1 000万t,开采最大深度已达1 500 m。千米深井在建井时所处的高应力、“各向异性”(包括岩体、结构、应力等)复杂地质力学环境,造成井筒以及井底车场大巷围岩出现塌方、岩爆以及冲击地压等大变形灾害,严重影响深部矿井安全高效建设。在国家重点研发计划“深地资源勘查开采”重点专项“煤矿深井建设与提升基础理论及关键技术”支持下,提出了深部非均压建井模式,以非均匀支护应对非均匀围岩压力;对煤系地层深部建井中典型的地层结构进行分类,并建立了深部不同应力条件下立井井筒力学模型;开展了一系列模拟深部环境下的多场、多尺度岩石力学实验,探明了深部建井岩体的各向异性与深部环境相互作用过程中的大变形力学特性,揭示了深部复杂地质环境下岩体大变形力学机理;研发了适用于深部建井岩体大变形控制NPR锚杆锚索新材料,进行了一系列拉拔力学实验对其优越性进行科学论证,并最终形成了一整套基于NPR锚杆锚索的支护技术;开展了无煤柱自成巷N00矿井建设研究,基于“切顶断臂梁”理论,建立了采矿损伤不变量的采矿工程模型。

  • Abstract

    With the increasing depletion of shallow coal resources,China’s coal mining is developing in the direc-tion of deepening and large-scale development.The annual production capacity of newly built and expanded large vertical shafts has reached 10 million tons,and the maximum mining depth has reached 1 500 m.The high stress and “anisotropy”(including rock mass,structure,stress,etc.) complex geomechanical environment,in which a thousand meter deep shaft was built,caused collapse,rock burst and impact in the surrounding rock of the shaft and the main roadway at the bottom of the shaft during shaft construction.Large deformation disasters such as ground pressure have seriously affected the safe and efficient construction of deep mines.Supported by the key special project “the basic theory and key technology of deep coal mine construction and upgrading” within the national key research and development plan “Deep Ground Resources Exploration and Mining”,a deep non-uniform pressure shaft construction model was proposed to deal with non-uniform surrounding rock pressure with non-uniform support.The typical stratum structure of deep shaft in coal measure strata was classified,and the mechanical model of vertical shaft under different stress conditions in deep mine was established.A series of multi field and multi scale rock mechanics experiments under simulated deep environment were carried out,and the large deformation mechanics characteristics during the interaction between the anisotropy of the deep shaft-building rock mass and the deep environment were explored,and the mechanical mechanism of large deformation of rock mass in the deep complex geological environment was revealed.A new NPR bolt/cable material suitable for the large deformation control of deep shaft was developed,a series of drawing mechanics experiments was conducted to scientifically demonstrate its superiority,and a complete set of NPR bolt/cable based support technology was obtained.A study on the construction of the N00 mine without coal pillars and self contained roads was carried out.Based on the theory of “cut top and broken arm beams”,a mining engineering model with invariable mining damage was established.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep mining;mine construction;rock mechanics;non-uniform stress construction;NPR bolt/cable

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    HE Manchao.Research progress of deep shaft construction mechanics[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(3):726-746.
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