• 全部
  • Title

    Calculation model of hydraulic crack vertical propagation in coal-sand interbedded formation based on the phase field method

  • 作者


  • Author

    YI Liangping,HU Bin,LI Xiaogang,YANG Zhaozhong,LI Yu

  • 单位

    西南石油大学 机电工程学院中联煤层气有限责任公司西南石油大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室中海油能源发展股份有限公司

  • Organization
    School of Mechatronic Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University;China United Coalbed Methane Corporation Ltd.,; State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University;CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Limited
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In the coal sandstone interbedded reservoir,it is an efficient exploit way to connect the coal and sandstone reservoir vertically by hydraulic fracturing technology.Therefore,Aiming at the problem of hydraulic crack vertical extension in the coal-sand interbedding formation,the nonlinear equations for calculating hydraulic crack propagation in porous media are established based on the poro-mechanics theory proposed by Biot,seepage mechanics and the phase field method,and the nonlinear equations are discretized by the finite element method.The coupled mechanical equilibrium and fluid flow equation is linearized and solved using Newton-Raphson (NR) method,while the phase field is solved by the Picard iteration method.In this model,the sharp fracture in fracture mechanics is transformed into diffusive fracture,no additional rules are needed to trace the fracture shape,and no re-meshing is needed after fracture extension.By comparing the fracture width calculated by the numerical model with that calculated by the analytical model,the correctness of the model is verified.Based on the established numerical model,the factors affecting the hydraulic crack vertical extension in the coal-sand interbedded formation are studied.Numerical results show that when perforating in the coal seam,the smaller the difference between the overburden in-situ stress and the minimum horizontal in-situ stress of the upper and lower sandstone layers,the smaller the interlayer interface cementation strength and the greater the interlayer interface permeability,the more difficult for the hydraulic crack to penetrate the interlayer interface and extend to the upper and lower sandstone layers.Injection rate has little effect on the fracture extension trajectory.When the hydraulic crack reaches the interlayer interface,the pressure will rise,so that the hydraulic crack will opens the interlayer interface or extends to the upper and lower sandstone layers.When perforating in the upper sandstone layer,the hydraulic crack will extend to coal seam through the upper interlayer interface,but it is difficult for the hydraulic crack to extend to lower sandstone layer through the lower interlayer interface.Perforation in the upper sandstone layer has higher crack initiation pressure than that perforation in the coal seam.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    phase field method;fracture propagation;coal-sand interbedding;multilayer fracturing;hydraulic fracturing

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 模型建立

       1.1 尖锐裂缝的相场法近似

       1.2 水力裂缝相场演化控制方程

       1.3 多孔弹性介质应力与渗流控制方程

       1.4 边界条件

       1.5 数值求解

    2 模型对比与验证

    3 数值算例与分析

       3.1 地应力差

       3.2 层间界面强度

       3.3 层间界面渗透率

       3.4 注入速率

       3.5 射孔位置

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    YI Liangping,HU Bin,LI Xiaogang,et al.Calculation model of hydraulic crack vertical propagation in coal-sand interbedded formation based on the phase field method[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(S2):706-716.
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