Investigation on cracking features of different rock under the bending load
ZHANG Ningbo,SHAN Renliang,ZHAO Shankun,SUN Zhongxue,DONG Yijing,WANG Yin
中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司 安全分院煤炭科学研究总院 煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室北京市煤矿安全工程技术研究中心
The fracture features of overlying rock,which usually cracks under bending load,have important effects on dynamic accidents such as rock burst.The three point bending experiments of different materials including coal,mudstone,sandstone were carried out to study the strength characteristics,crack propagation rules,macro and micro fracture morphology and acoustic emission variation of coal and rock under the bending load.Then the fracture mechanism of coal and rock was discussed based on elastic fracture mechanics and homogenization method.The results are shown as follows:① the distribution of coal and mudstone samples’ fracture parameters such as peak fracture load,fracture energy and fracture length are discrete,while the parameters of the sandstone samples are relatively close,which is closely related to the internal structure of coal and rock media.It is mainly the micro-cracks and micro-holes within coal and mudstone samples that make the homogeneity of them higher than that of sandstone samples.② As for the macroscopic of fracture surface,there are apparently primary fractures in coal,the micro-cracks,micro-holes and bedding in mudstone,and a small amount of impurities in sandstone.③ In terms of microscopic morphology,coal is characterized by tensile and shear sections and micro-fractures,and there are many inter-granular fractures,micro-pores,clay minerals and cleavage fractures on the surface of mudstone,while the inter-granular fractures are the main pattern in sandstone.④ The acoustic emission waveform of coal,whose main wave peak is not obvious,is far more complex than that of rock,with lots of AE events occurring persistently when rock cracks.In contrast,the main fracture events of mudstone and sandstone are very significant,usually along with obvious initiation events before the main fracture event.⑤ The critical strain energy release rate of the fracture extension at the tip of the coal and rock under flexural loading is mainly controlled by its elastic modulus E,which is related to the meso-structure and the structural orientation.This preliminarily study on the fracture features of different coal and rock media demonstrates that the fracture mechanics properties of different media have a close relationship with macro-mesoscopic fracture characteristics and the mesoscopic structure of different coal and rock medium have important influence on its macroscopic fracture.In addition,due to the heterogeneity and anisotropy of coal and rock media,the fracture mechanism of coal and rock is very complicated.It is of significance to solve the practical problems by the cross-scale argument about macro and micro fractures and the internal relationship between micro structure characteristics and macro mechanical properties.
three-point bending;coal and rock fracture;acoustic emission;scanning electron microscope;homogenization method
1 实验方案
1.1 试样制备
1.2 加卸载方案
1.3 监测方案
1.4 加载路径
2 实验结果
2.1 弯载作用下煤岩介质的强度特征
2.2 弯载条件下煤岩断裂过程的裂纹扩展特征
2.3 弯载破坏煤岩的断口宏细观形貌特征
2.4 煤岩弯载断裂过程中的声信号特征
3 不同煤岩介质的断裂机制探讨
3.1 煤岩介质断裂模型
3.2 煤岩介质断裂机制分析
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会