Effect of crack prefabrication by self oscillating pulsed jet on the temper ature of conical pick during rock breaking processes
LI Hongsheng,LIU Songyong,GUO Chuwen
中国矿业大学 机电工程学院中国矿业大学 江苏省矿山智能采掘装备协同创新中心(省部共建)中国矿业大学 电气与动力工程学院
针对硬岩巷道掘进过程中机械刀具磨损加剧问题,利用高压水射流破岩系统以及机械刀具截割破岩试验系统,建立评价自激振荡脉冲射流预制裂隙情况下机械刀具破岩性能参数指标,研究了不同自激振荡喷嘴结构参数(振荡腔腔长、截面锥角)以及工作参数(系统压力、横移速度)对机械刀具降载减磨特性的影响规律,分析了自激振荡脉冲射流预制裂缝对机械刀具破岩过程中截割载荷与刀具温度的影响特性,试验结果表明,截割载荷与刀具温度均随射流系统压力的增加而降低,随振荡腔腔长与截面锥角的增加呈先升后降的变化趋势,随横移速度的增大而逐渐增大。相对于无预制裂隙情况下的截割载荷,当系统压力处于30,40,50以及60 MPa时,机械刀具截割载荷减小率分别为15.12%,20.84%,27.01%以及29.24%。当截面锥角分别为90°,120°,140°,160°及180°时,截割载荷受力变化率分别降低了22.87%,27.27%,31.13%,33.82%及29.78%。对于横移速度分别为4,6,8,9及10 m/min的截割载荷变化率分别降低了43.6%,35.3%,32.9%,31.1%及30.7%。当射流系统压力、振荡腔腔长、截面锥角及横移速度分别取50 MPa,65~75 mm,140°~160°,6~8 m/min时,自激振荡脉冲射流预制裂隙情况下的机械刀具破岩性能较好。
To solve the problem of wear increase of conical pick in the process of hard rock roadway excavation,the influence of different self-oscillating nozzle structure parameters (cavity length,cross section cone angle) and working parameters (system pressure,transverse speed) on load reduction and wear reduction of conical pick were studied based on high pressure water jet rock breaking system and rock cutting test system.In addition,the cutting load of conical pick was analyzed under the crack prefabrication by self oscillating pulsed jet (SOPJ).The experimental results show that the cutting load and tool temperature decrease with the increase of the water pressure,increase first and then decrease with the increase of cavity length and section cone angle,and increase gradually with the increase of transverse speed.When the system pressure is 30,40,50 and 60 MPa,the cutting load reduction rates of mechanical tools are 15.12%,20.84%,27.01% and 29.24%,respectively.When the cone angle of section is 90°,120°,140°,160° and 180° respectively,the change rate of cutting load is reduced by 22.87%,27.27%,31.13%,33.82% and 29.78% respectively.For the transverse speed of 4,6,8,9 and 10 m/min,the change rate of cutting load is reduced by 43.6%,35.3%,32.9%,31.1% and 30.7%,respectively.When the water pressure,cavity length,cross section cone angle and the transverse speed are 50 MPa,65~75 mm,140°~160° and 6~8 m/min respectively,the rock breaking performance of conical pick is better.
pulsed jet;conical pick;crack prefabrication;cutting load;tool temperature
1 试验系统及方案
1.1 试验系统
1.2 试验方案
2 自激振荡脉冲射流辅助机械刀具破岩过程分析
2.1 破岩性能评价参数建立
2.2 截割载荷及温度变化规律
3 自激振荡脉冲射流预裂隙对机械刀具降载减磨特性的影响
3.1 系统压力
3.2 振荡腔腔长
3.3 碰撞壁截面锥角
3.4 横移速度
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会