Mechanism study on compound disaster of rock burst and gas outburst
LI Zhonghua,ZHANG Ying, LIANG Ying
In order to study the compound disaster of rock burst and gas outburst in high gas coal seam, taking the circular section roadway of high gas coal seam as an example, and the transportation roadway of high gas thick coal seam in Fuxin Hengda Coal Mine as the engineering background, the occurrence conditions of the compound disaster of rock burst and gas outburst were obtained by analytical analysis, andthe influence of relevant factors on the radius of critical plastic zone and critical load was analyzed.The results show that the radius of critical plastic zone increases with the increase of modulus ratio, decreases with the increase of Poisson ratio, decreases with the increase of dilation angle and decreases with the increase of internal friction angle; the critical load increases with increaseof modulus ratio, decrease with increase Poisson’s ratio and dilation angle, and increases with increaseof internal friction angle,linear increase with increase cohesion, effective stress coefficient, support resistance coefficient,and original gas pressure,and linearly decreases with the increase of gas pressure on the inner wall of the roadway,and increases with the increase of gas pressure difference.
high gas coal seam; compound disaster; critical plastic zone radius; critical load; gas pressure; support resistance
0 引言
1 巷道围岩变形解析分析
1.1 基本假设与计算模型
1.2 巷道围岩弹性变形与弹性极限
2 冲击地压-瓦斯突出复合灾害发生条件及其影响因素分析
2.1 复合灾害发生条件
2.2 复合灾害的影响因素分析
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会