Effects of mining activities and climate change on land ecosystem in Gobi mining area:A case study of Zhundong Coal Base
YU Haochen,CHEN Fu,YIN Dengyu,HAN Xiaotong,MU Shouguo,LEI Shaogang,BIAN Zhengfu
中国矿业大学 资源枯竭矿区土地修复与生态演替教育部野外科学观测研究站中国矿业大学 矿山生态修复教育部工程研究中心中国矿业大学 低碳能源研究院山东省采煤塌陷地与采空区治理工程研究中心
新疆煤炭富集、植被稀疏、生态脆弱与气候干旱并存,亟待破解煤炭开发与生态保护的矛盾。为此,选取准东煤炭基地为研究对象,利用2000—2020年18期 Landsat多光谱遥感影像提取干旱遥感生态指数(IARSE),并运用逐像元趋势分析法揭示准东IARSE时空演变,借助多元回归模型与残差分析解析采矿与气候变化对戈壁矿区土地生态系统质量的影响机制。结果表明:① 近20 a研究区平均IARSE为0.403 8,以中等(44.22%)与较差等(41.27%)为主,优等仅占1.57%。退化占比(41.19%)远高于改善(7.05%),且矿山尺度退化占比超85%。② 气候条件模拟的I′〖KG-*2〗ARSE呈西南向东北递减的格局。2006年之后气候变化改善了I′〖KG-*2〗ARSE,主要集中在大井东部、将军庙东北部、西黑山北部,退化则主要分布于五彩湾矿区。③ 采矿对土地生态系统质量具有负效应,平均残差为-0.128,采矿诱发的退化集中于新增矿区与新建道路两侧,呈“点—线—网—面”退化格局。④ 戈壁矿区土地生态系统质量主要受气候变化影响,采矿影响较小,但2者对IARSE改善区与退化区作用不同,气候变化与采矿对改善区贡献率分别为88.53%与11.47%,对退化区则分别为58.68%与41.32%。综上认为,戈壁矿区煤炭开发应规避自然保护区,尽量减少不必要的路网建设,重视道路两侧生态防护与修复,避免生态沿路向外进一步退化。此外,可依托近年气候利好趋势,辅以必要的人工诱导,推动戈壁矿区整体保护、系统修复与综合治理。
Owing to the coexistence of coal enrichment,sparse vegetation,fragile ecology and arid climate in Xinjiang,it was urgent to solve the contradiction problem between coal exploitation and ecological protection.Therefore,the Zhundong Coal Base was selected as the case study,and the Arid Remote Sensing Ecological Index (IARSE) was extracted from the Landsat multi-spectral remote sensing data from 2000 to 2020.Then,the spatio-temporal variation ARSEI was revealed by pixel-by-pixel trend analysis.Finally,the effect of mining and climate change on the quality of land ecosystem in Gobi mining area was analyzed with the help of multiple regression model and residual analysis.The results show that ① in the past 20 years,the average IARSE was 0.403 8,mainly medium (44.22%) and poor (41.27%),but excellent level only accounted for 1.57%.The proportion of degradation area (41.19%) was much higher than that of improvement area (7.05%).Specially,the proportion of mine scale degradation was more than 85%.② The I′ARSE simulated by climatic conditions showed a decreasing pattern from southwest to northeast.Climate change had improved I′ARSE since 2006.The improvement area was mainly concentrated in the east of Dajing,the northeast of Jiangjunmiao and the north of Xiheishan,while the degradation area was mainly distributed in Wucaiwan.③ Mining had a negative effect on the quality of land eco-system,with an average residual of -0.128.The degradation induced by mining was concentrated in the new mining area and on both sides of the new road,showing a degradation pattern with the characteristic of “point-line-net-surface”.④ The impact of climate change on the quality of land ecosystem in Gobi mining area was greater than that of mining activity,but their effects on IARSE improvement area and degradation area were different.For improved areas,the contribution rates of climate change and mining were 88.53% and 11.47%,respectively.But for the degraded areas,the contribution rates of climate change and mining were 58.68% and 41.32%,respectively.In conclusion,the nature reserve should be avoided in the coal exploitation of Gobi mining area.To avoid further ecological degradation along the road,the construction of unnecessary road networks should be reduced,and the ecological protection and restoration on both sides of the road also should be emphasized.Finally,the favorable climate trend in recent years could be applied,some necessary artificial induction should be supplemented.Through the above measures,the overall protection,systematic restoration and comprehensive management could be effectively promoted in the Gobi mining area.
land ecosystem;Gobi mining area;climate change;mining;Arid Remote Sensing Ecological Index (IARSE);residual error analysis
1 数据与方法
1.1 研究区概况
1.2 数据来源及预处理
1.3 研究方法
2 结果与分析
2.1 戈壁矿区干旱遥感指数的向量特征
2.2 戈壁矿区土地生态系统质量的总体态势
2.3 戈壁矿区土地生态系统质量的时空演变
2.4 戈壁矿区土地生态系统质量变化的成因解析
3 讨论
3.1 IARSE方法评估戈壁矿区土地生态系统质量的适用性
3.2 戈壁矿区土地生态系统对气候变化的响应
3.3 戈壁矿区土地生态系统对采矿活动的响应
4 结论与启示
4.1 结论
4.2 启示
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会