Research status and prospect on deformation control of high-speed railway subgrade in goaf site
REN Lianwei,NING Hao,ZOU Youfeng,DUN Zhilin,GUO Wenbing,TIAN Zhongbin
河南理工大学 土木工程学院河南省采空区场地生态修复与建设技术工程研究中心河南理工大学 测绘与国土信息工程学院河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院山西省煤炭地质物探测绘院
China’s coal production ranks first in the world,and the extraction of large amounts of coal resources leaves a large area of goaf site.With the rapid development of high-speed railway in China,some key lines will inevitably pass through some goaf sites.The foundation deformation and the activation deformation under the dense dynamic load of high-speed train have great hidden danger to the safe operation of high-speed railway in goaf site.How to ensure the safe operation of high-speed railway in goaf site is a key problem,and the research on the deformation control of high-speed railway subgrade in goaf site is the core of this kind of problem.First,the research status of high-speed railway subgrade dynamics and ground deformation in mined-out areas are summarized from four research methods:theoretical research,field measurement,model test and numerical simulation.Then,the research on the deformation of high-speed railway subgrade in goaf site is introduced from the following four aspects:the distribution and transmission law of dynamic load of high-speed railway,the requirements of post construction settlement of high-speed railway subgrade,the interaction mechanism between goaf ground and high-speed railway subgrade,and the feasibility study on the deformation of high-speed railway sub-grade in goaf site.Finally,the goaf ground treatment technology and anti-deformation measures of high-speed railway subgrade are summarized,and the field improvement projects and the anti-deformation measures of sub-grade taken by Taiyuan to Jiaozuo and Hefei to Fuzhou high-speed railway line through the goaf site are explained.Based on the analysis of the existing research results,the paper explores how to determine the maximum disturbance depth of the dynamic load of the high-speed railway,how to select the constitutive model of the goaf ground under the action of high-speed railway,how to apply the dynamic load of the high-speed railway in the similar model test and how to improve the treatment system of the goaf ground,and looks forward to the development direction of this research field.
high speed railway;goaf site;subgrade;dynamic load of high-speed railway;deformation control
1 高速铁路路基动力学
1.1 高速铁路路基动力学的理论模型
1.2 高速铁路路基动力响应现场实测
1.3 高速铁路路基动力模型试验
1.4 高速铁路路基数值模拟
2 采空区地表变形的研究
2.1 采场覆岩及地表移动变形理论
2.2 采空区地表变形现场监测
2.3 开采沉陷模型试验
2.4 采场覆岩及地表移动变形的数值模拟
3 高速铁路采空区场地路基变形研究
3.1 高速铁路列车动荷载传递及分布规律
3.2 高速铁路路基工后沉降相关要求
3.3 采空区地基与高速铁路路基相互作用机理浅析
3.4 采空区场地高速铁路路基变形问题的可行性研究手段
4 高速铁路采空区地基治理技术
5 问题与展望
5.1 存在问题
5.2 展望
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会