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  • Title

    Influence of mining ground fissures on soil erodibility in Northern Shaanxi coal mining area of Yellow River Basin

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Shuangming,DU Lin,SONG Shijie

  • 单位

    陕西省煤炭绿色开发地质保障重点实验室西安科技大学 地质与环境学院西安科技大学 煤炭绿色开采地质研究院

  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Geological Guarantee for Coal Green Development of Shaanxi Province; College of Geology and Environment,Xi’an University of Science and Technology;Research Institute of Coal Green Mining Geology,Xi’an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    黄河流域中游既是我国煤炭资源富集区,也是国家级水土流失防治的重点区,掌握煤炭采动损害产生的水土流失效应有利于实现煤矿区生态环境保护与高质量发展。以陕北柠条塔煤矿北翼开采损害区内采动地裂缝为研究对象,分别采集宽度为0~20,20~40,40~60 cm地裂缝周围(水平距离80 cm以内、垂直深度20 cm以浅)土壤,利用MS2000激光粒度仪和总有机碳分析仪分别测定土壤机械组成和有机质质量分数,基于EPIC模型计算土壤可蚀性K值,剖析土壤机械组成和有机质质量分数的空间变化特征,解译小空间尺度下采动地裂缝的水土流失效应。结果表明:① 采动地裂缝会降低周围土壤的黏粒质量分数,平均降幅为17.06%~32.66%,当裂缝宽度<20 cm时,该作用主要表现为水平负效应,且随着水平距离的增加而减弱,当裂缝宽度>20 cm时,该作用主要表现为垂直负效应,且随着垂直深度的增加而增强;② 采动地裂缝会降低周围土壤的有机质质量分数,平均降幅为32.16%~54.01%,且随着裂缝宽度的增大和水平距离的减小而增强;③ 采动地裂缝会增大周围土壤的可蚀性,分化土层间的抗侵蚀能力,且裂缝宽度越大、水平距离越小,该作用越明显,土壤可蚀性的增大主要集中在水平距离83 cm以内,可作为陕北煤炭开采损害区水土流失精准防控的靶向区域;④ 采动地裂缝周围土壤可蚀性K值与土壤黏粒、有机质质量分数在小空间尺度上存在高度的一致性,相关系数分别为-0.569,-0.757,均达到极显著负相关水平(P<0.01),这与采动地裂缝显著改变土壤孔性,损伤植物根系性状和微生物活性密切相关。越靠近采动地裂缝,土壤潜在侵蚀能力越高,抗侵蚀能力越差,应着重考虑人工措施,反之应着重考虑自然措施,从而为黄河流域中游煤矿区水土流失精准防控和生态环境保护提供科学依据。

  • Abstract

    The middle reaches of the Yellow River Basin is not only the coal resourcerich area in China,but also the key area for the prevention and control of soil erosion at the national level.Through mastering the effect of soil erosion caused by coal mining damage,it is conducive to realize the ecological environment protection and high quality development of coal mining area.Taking the mining ground fissures in the mining damage area of North Wing of Ning tiao ta Coal Mine in Northern Shaanxi as the research object,the soil around the ground fissures with widths of 0-20 cm,20-40 cm and 40-60 cm (within a horizontal distance of 80 cm and a vertical depth of 20 cm) were collected respectively.The mechanical composition and organic matter content of soil were measured by MS2 000 laser particle size analyzer and analyzer,and the soil erodibility K-factor was calculated based on EPIC model.The spatial variation characteristics of soil mechanical composition and organic matter content were analyzed,and the effect of soil erosion caused by mining ground fissures on a small spatial scale was interpreted.The results show that:① The mining ground fissures can reduce the clay content of the surrounding soil,with an average decrease of 17.06%-32.66%.The effect is mainly a horizontal negative effect when the crack width is less than 20 cm,and decreases with the increase of horizontal distance.And it is mainly a vertical negative effect when the crack width is larger than 20 cm,and increases with the increase of vertical depth;② The mining ground fissures can reduce the organic matter content of the surrounding soil,with an average decrease of 32.16%-54.01%.And it increases with the increase of crack width and the decrease of horizontal distance;③ The mining ground fissures can improve the erodibility of the surrounding soil and differentiate the erosion resistance between the soil layers.The larger the width of the fissures and the smaller the horizontal distance,the more obvious the effect is.The increase of soil erodibility is mainly within a horizontal distance of 83 cm,which can be used as a target area for precise prevention and control of soil erosion in the coal mining damage area in northern Shaanxi;④ The soil clay content and the organic matter content around the mining ground fissures are highly consistent with the soil erodibility K-factor in a small spatial scale,and the correlation coefficients are -0.569 and -0.757,respectively,reaching a very significant negative correlation level (P<0.01).It is closely related to the fact that mining ground fissures significantly change soil porosity,damage plant root traits and microbial activity.The closer to the mining ground fissure,the higher the potential erosion ability,and the worse the soil erosion resistance is,so the artificial measures should be considered,and the natural measures should be considered on the contrary.So as to provide scientific basis for precise prevention and control of soil erosion and ecological environment protection in coal mining area in the middle reaches of the Yellow River Basin.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining ground fissures;soil erodibility;EPIC model;Northern Shaanxi coal mining area;Yellow River Basin

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 研究区概况

    2 材料与方法

       2.1 样品采集

       2.2 实验方法

    3 结果与分析

       3.1 采动地裂缝对周围土壤机械组成的影响

       3.2 采动地裂缝对周围土壤有机质的影响

    4 讨论

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    WANG Shuangming,DU Lin,SONG Shijie,et al.Influence of mining ground fissures on soil erodibility in Northern Shaanxi coal mining area of Yellow River Basin[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(9):3027-3038.
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