• 全部
  • Title

    Hydroxymethylated humic acid magnetic nanoparticles for the selective removal of Pb2+ and Hg2+ in water

  • 作者


  • Author

    WAN Keji,FAN Jinjin,WANG Guoqiang,XU Enle,HE Qiongqiong,MIAO Zhenyong,ZHANG Mingliang

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 国家煤加工与洁净化工程技术研究中心中国矿业大学 化工学院内蒙古伊泰京粤酸刺沟矿业有限公司

  • Organization
    National Engineering Research Center of Coal Preparation and Purification,China University of Mining and Technology; School of Chemical Engineering & Technology,China University of Mining and Technology; Inner Mongolia Yitai Jingyue Suancigou Coal Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    由于重金属的难降解性,为避免治理过程中的污染转移,重金属的资源化回收是实现环境与经济效益双赢的有效途径,这就要求吸附剂对目标重金属具有一定的吸附选择性。通过羟甲基化改性提高煤系腐植酸(HA)表面含氧基团密度,形成对重金属吸附的多齿配位结构,来提高HA吸附选择性。改性后的腐植酸进一步与Fe3O4共沉淀,生成具有吸附速率快、选择性高且易于固液分离的羟甲基化煤系腐植酸磁性颗粒(OHA-MNPs),用于废水中重金属的深度分离。对吸附剂进行系统表征,并研究其吸附动力学、吸附热力学、微观吸附机制和多金属共存溶液体系中Pb2+和Hg2+的吸附选择性。结果表明OHA-MNPs表面腐植酸含量约为9.81%,颗粒粒径主要分布于7~11 nm,具有很好的溶液分散性;Langmuir和准二级动力学模型能够准确的描述OHA-MNPs对Pb2+或Hg2+的吸附热力学和动力学;OHA-MNPs对Pb2+或Hg2+的吸附作用以高密度含氧基团多齿络合配位为主,还伴有酸性基团离子交换和静电吸附;在模拟多金属离子共存废水中,OHA-MNPs对Pb2+和Hg2+均表现出较高的吸附选择性,吸附序列满足Hg2+>Pb2+Cu2+ Ni2+/Cd2+,且在总阳离子质量浓度是Pb2+的44.78倍的实际酸性矿井废水中,能够对93.76%的Pb2+选择性去除。OHA-MNPs同时具有良好的再生能力,是一种高效、绿色、低成本重金属吸附剂。

  • Abstract

    Because of the non-degradation of heavy metals (HMs),the control on the pollution transfer of HMs in water treatment,and their recycling utilization would be an effective way to achieve a win-win situation of envi-ronmental and economic benefits.In this case,the adsorbent with a selectivity for the target heavy metals is required.Therefore,the density of oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface of humic acid (HA) was improved by hydroxymethylation modification to promote the formation of multi-coordination structure,which had a high adsorption stability and affinity towards certain HMs.Finally,the hydroxymethylated HA magnetic nanoparticles (OHA-MNPs) with high selectivity and easy solid-liquid separation were prepared by co-precipitation,which was used for the deep removal of heavy metals in wastewater.The characterization of adsorbent,adsorption kinetics,adsorption thermodynamics,adsorption mechanism,adsorption selectivity for Pb2+ and Hg2+ under competitive adsorption,and the regeneration of adsorbent were studied.The results show that the content of HA attached on the surface of OHA-MNPs is about 9.81%.The particle size of adsorbent is mainly distributed in 7-11 nm,which shows good dispersion.The pseudo-second order kinetics and Langmuir adsorption model could well describe the adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics of Pb2+ or Hg2+ on OHA-MNPs.The adsorption of OHA-MNPs towards Pb2+ or Hg2+ is mainly attributed to the coordination of oxygen-containing functional groups,accompanied by ion exchange and electrostatic adsorption.In the solution with mixed metals,OHA-MNPs has a high selectivity for Pb2+ and Hg2+ and the selective adsorption sequence is Hg2+> Pb2+ Cu2+ Ni2+/Cd2+.About 93.76% of Pb2+ can be selectively removed in acid mine wastewater with total cation concentration 44.78 times that of Pb2+.Besides,OHA-MNPs also has good regeneration ability.Therefore,OHA-MNPs is a kind of efficient,green and low-cost adsorbent for the removal of heavy metals in wastewater.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    humic acid,hydroxymethylation,magnetic nanoparticles,heavy metals adsorption,acid mine wastewater

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 实验部分

       1.1 煤系腐植酸的提取与羟甲基化改性

       1.2 羟甲基化煤系腐植酸磁性纳米颗粒(OHA-MNPs)的共沉淀制备

       1.3 OHA-MNPs对重金属的吸附实验

    2 结果与讨论

       2.1 OHA-MNPs吸附剂表征

       2.2 吸附等温线

       2.3 OHA-MNPs对Pb2+和Hg2+吸附动力学

       2.4 吸附机制

       2.5 OHA-MNPs对Pb2+和Hg2+吸附选择性

       2.6 吸附剂再生

    3 结论

  • 引用格式
    WAN Keji,FAN Jinjin,WANG Guoqiang,et al.Hydroxymethylated humic acid magnetic nanoparticles for the selective removal of Pb2+ and Hg2+ in water[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(9):2746-2754.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 腐植酸羟甲基化反应

    图(13) / 表(0)


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