• 全部
  • Title

    Discussion of the basic problems for the construction of underground pumped storage reservoir in abandoned coal mines

  • 作者

    卞正富周跃进曾春林黄赳浦海AXEL Preusse张保生HABIL Christoph Bruecker白海波孟庆彬陈宁

  • Author

    BIAN Zhengfu,ZHOU Yuejin,ZENG Chunlin,HUANG Jiu,PU Hai,AXEL Preusse,ZHANG Baosheng,HABIL Christoph Bruecker,BAI Haibo,MENG Qingbin,CHEN Ning

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室中国矿业大学 环境与测绘学院RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Mine Surveying中国矿业大学 电气与动力工程学院City University of London, Dept. Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, London EC1V0HB

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology;School of Environment and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology; Institute for Mine Surveying, RWTH Aachen University; School of Electrical and Power Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology; Dept. Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,City University of London, London EC1V0HB,United Kingdom
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Underground pumped storage reservoir using abandoned coal mine could achieve not only high efficiency underground space utilization, but also realize a large scale renewable energy storage, such as wind and PV energy. This method also prevents abandoned mine from geological disasters. According to the mechanical strata environment of abandoned coal mine reservoir, this paper comprehensively introduces the concept, principle and technology of pumped storage underground reservoirin abandoned coal mine. This research explains that there are generally two scientific problems required to be solved in technical implementation: one is the influence of hydrogeology, hydro chemical characteristics and ground water circulation process on site selection; the other one is the influence of the stability and tightness of surrounding strata support structure during water circulation processes. The paper has also reviewed the technical framework of the pumped storage underground reservoir in abandoned mine.In view of the problems, the paper has analyzed the researches on the construction of underground pumped storage reservoir in abandoned coal mines, such as mine underground space utilization, rock mass stability and underground reservoir capacity, long term deformation of roadway surrounding rock and timeliness of support and the protection of water sources and water quality by water circulation. Furthermorethe paper has analyzed the four aspects of underground reservoir capacity, groundwater circulation, surrounding rock stability and water quality factors, which reveals the key factors for the construction of pumped storage underground reservoir in abandoned mine, and then providesthe accurate calculation of storage capacity of underground reservoir with the grasping of effective storage capacity of underground space. Appropriate water circulation couldfirstly ensure the reasonable storage capacity of underground reservoir, secondly ensure that the hydrodynamic process does not affect the safety of project,thirdly clarify the hydrogeological characteristics of the mine and the tightness of the reservoir, and fourthly keep the stability of underground space surrounding rock and the safety of reasonable storage capacity. Real time full space mine water monitoring is also required for water pollution prediction and prevention, which ensures the safety of groundwater quality and the safe manipulation of pumped storage equipment.Finally, the Quantai coal mine was introduced as an example,which could be taken as a pilot implementation for converting into a coal mine pumped storage power station. The feasibility of underground space in abandoned mines as pumped storage underground reservoir is demonstrated. The paper has made a useful discussion for the construction of underground reservoir in abandoned coal mines.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    abandoned mines;pumped storage;underground reservoir;reservoir capacity;the surrounding strata stability;water quality

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 废弃矿井抽水蓄能机理及其结构

    2 废弃矿井地下水库构建科学问题

       2.1 废弃矿井地下水库面临的难题

       2.2 废弃矿井抽水蓄能地下水库构建技术框架

    3 废弃矿井抽水蓄能地下水库建设研究现状

       3.1 矿井地下空间利用途径研究

       3.2 岩体稳定性及地下水库库容研究

       3.3 巷道围岩长期变形及支护的时效性研究

       3.4 水循环对水源及水质的保障分析

    4 废弃矿井抽水蓄能地下水库构建的关键因素

       4.1 水库库容

       4.2 地下水循环

       4.3 地下水库围岩稳定性

       4.4 水质因素

    5 工程设计示例分析

       5.1 废弃矿井抽水蓄能设计概况

       5.2 电站地下水库建设

       5.3 经济性分析

    6 结论

  • 引用格式
    BIAN Zhengfu,ZHOU Yuejin,ZENG Chunlin,et al.Discussion of the basic problems for the construction of underground pumped storage reservoir in abandoned coal mines[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(10):3308-3318.
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  • 图表
    • 废弃矿井抽水蓄能地下水库建设技术路线

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