• 全部
  • Title

    Research and application of new prestressed anchor grouting support for special open off cut in soft thick coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Jinpeng,LIU Limin,LIU Chuanxiao,WEN Guangcai,LI Qinghai,SUN Dongling,SHAO Jun,ZHANG Jie,SUN Liqing,DI Guangqiang

  • 单位

    山东农业大学 水利土木工程学院山东科技大学 能源与矿业工程学院中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司韩城矿业公司桑树坪二号井

  • Organization
    College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University;College of Energy and Mining Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology;China Coal Technology Engineering Group Chongqing Research Institute;Sangshuping No.2 Mine of Hancheng Mining Company
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In the ordinary cement based slurry reinforced coal body, the self shrinkage of slurry often causes voids at the interface between slurry and coal body.Taking the reinforcement of soft coal with special open off cut in thick coal seams as the engineering background, a method for the anchor grouting of soft coal based on prestressed anchors and self stress groutingwas proposed. Based on the principle analysis of the new prestressed anchor grouting for strengthening coal, the basic properties of ordinary Portland cement and ultra fine Portland cement were comparatively studied to provide a basis for the selection of raw materials for self stress slurry. Through the longitudinal free expansion rate test of the slurry, the optimum content of the expansion agent in the self stress slurry was obtained. The tests of ordinary siliceous slurry and siliceous self stress slurry to reinforce pre fabricated cracked coal body were carried out. The mechanical advantages and failure characteristics of coal body strengthened by the self stress slurry grouting for strengthening special open off cut was compared and analyzed. Through the numerical simulation and on site monitoring, the effectiveness of new prestressed anchor grouting were studied. The results showed that the expansion stress of the slurry stone and the axial restraint force of the high strength grouting anchor can make the broken coal body in a quasi 3D state of stress and realize its strengthening and damage repair. The ultra fine Portland cement slurry can meet the reinforcement requirements of self stress slurry due to its greater fluidity and higher strength. As the content of expansion agent increased, the maximum longitudinal expansion rate of the slurry increased first and then decreased. The optimum content of the expansion agent for the self stress slurry was 10%. The peak strength of coal body strengthened by the self stress slurry under constrained conditions was 4.6% higher than that of coal body strengthened by the ordinary slurry. It showed that the effect of self stress slurry to strengthen fractured coal was better than ordinary slurry. The initial macro cracks of coal samples reinforced by ordinary slurry and self stress slurry both appeared at the slurry coal interface. The final damage form was the whole split ejection damage based on pre fabricated cracks. But their crack development process was different. The number of cracks in the coal samples reinforced by self stress slurry was less than that in the coal samples reinforced by ordinary slurry. In the numerical model, the settlement of the cantilever coal body was larger when it was supported only by anchor cable. After the new prestressed anchor grouting, the amount of sinking was significantly reduced. During the on site monitoring, the stresses of the anchor and cable were relatively stable, and the sinkage of the reinforced coal body was relatively small. It showed that the new prestressed anchor grouting had better effect on strengthening soft and broken coal.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    prestressed anchor grouting;special open off cut;soft and broken coal;self stress slurry;reinforcement of fractured coal

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 工程背景

    2 基于预应力锚和自应力注的锚注加固原理

    3 超细硅质膨胀浆液试验与分析

       3.1 超细硅酸盐水泥与普通硅酸盐水泥性能研究

       3.2 超细硅酸盐水泥浆液膨胀性能试验

    4 预制裂隙煤体自应力浆液加固试验

       4.1 试验方法

       4.2 裂隙煤体单轴压缩试验分析

    5 异型开切眼新型预应力锚注支护应用

       5.1 异型开切眼支护方案

       5.2 数值模拟

       5.3 现场观测与分析

    6 结论

  • 引用格式
    ZHANG Jinpeng,LIU Limin,LIU Chuanxiao,et al.Research and application of new prestressed anchor grouting support for special open off cut in soft thick coal seam[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(10):3127-3138.
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  • 图表
    • 3号煤层顶底板综合柱状

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