• 全部
  • Title

    Mechanism and experimental study of silicon self-stress grouting reinforcement for deep fractured rock mass

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Jinpeng,LIU Limin,LIU Chuanxiao,LIU Yanbao,WEN Guangcai,SUN Dongling,SHAO Jun

  • 单位

    山东农业大学 水利土木工程学院山东科技大学 能源与矿业工程学院中煤科工集团 重庆研究院有限公司

  • Organization
    College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University; College of Energy and Mining Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology; Chongqing Research Institute,China Coal Technology Engineering Group
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In order to overcome the problem of grout-rock interface dissatisfaction due to self-shrinkage of materials in deep fractured rock masses strengthened by cement-based grouting,this paper proposed the concept of self-stress grouting and strengthening of fractured rock masses.The admixture promotes the volume expansion of the slurry stone body in the confined space.When the content of swelling agent exceeds the critical content of compensating cement self-shrinkage,in addition to compensating for self-shrinkage of cement-based materials,the volume expansion of the slurry stone can generate a certain expansion stress on the fracture wall in the confined space of the fractured rock mass.The expansion stress can increase the compression effect of the slurry-rock interface and improve the constrained stress state of the rock mass.The self-stress slurry reinforcement mechanism was studied by the test of the expansion rate of ultrafine siliceous slurry,the strength test of confined slurry stone,and the microstructure analysis of confined slurry stone.The reinforcement effect of self-stress slurry was verified by grouting reinforcement test for fractured rock mass.The results showed that with the increase of the expansion agent content,the longitudinal expansion rate of the slurry and the strength of the confined slurry stone increased first and then decreased.The swelling effect of 10% swelling agent was obviously better than other swelling agents.The siliceous self-stress slurry stone had increased brittleness and prolonged elastic deformation.The siliceous self-stress slurry stone with 10% expansion agent content had large particles.The particles overlapped each other to form a network structure,which was conducive to the strength of the slurry stone.Its compactness was obviously better than that of ordinary slurry stone.The self-stress slurry stone crystals with 25% swelling agent content was uneven.The particle gap was large,and its compactness was obviously weaker than the self-stress slurry stone with 10% swelling agent content.The peak strength and elastic modulus of self-stress grouting reinforced sandstone were 1.110 and 1.043 times of ordinary grouting reinforced sandstones,respectively.The peak strain of self-stress grouting reinforced sandstone was slightly smaller than that of ordinary grouting reinforced sandstone.The effect of self-stress slurry to strengthen fractured sandstone was significantly better than that of ordinary slurry.The deformation modulus of the slurry stone and the friction between the slurry stone and the sandstone were increased.The research results had a certain guiding significance for grouting reinforcement in deep rock mass.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    self-stress slurry;ordinary slurry;expansion agent;reinforcement mechanism;fractured rock mass

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 裂隙岩体自应力注浆加固原理

    2 硅质浆液膨胀率与约束结石体强度试验

       2.1 超细硅质浆液膨胀率试验

       2.2 超细硅质自应力浆液强度试验

    3 超细硅质自应力浆液结石体微观结构

    4 裂隙岩体自应力注浆加固应用

       4.1 试验方法

       4.2 裂隙砂岩单轴压缩试验

    5 结论与展望

  • 引用格式
    ZHANG Jinpeng,LIU Limin,LIU Chuanxiao,et al.Mechanism and experimental study of silicon self-stress grouting reinforcement for deep fractured rock mass[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(S2):755-765.
  • 相关文章

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