• 全部
  • Title

    Controlling geological factors and coalbed methane enrichment areas in southern Wuxiang block,Qinshui Basin

  • 作者


  • Author

    SONG Huibo,AN Hongliang,LIU Shunxi,YU Zhenfeng,JIN Yi,WANG Baoyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Environment,Henan Polytechnic University;State Key Laboratory of Coal and Coalbed Methane Co-Mining;Collaborative Innovation Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas for Central Plains Economic Region of Henan Province;Institute of Efficient Development and Utilization of Coal-measure Gas
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Using the coal samples from the Carboniferous-Permian Taiyuan Formation (No.5) and Shanxi Formation (No.3) in southern Wuxiang block, Qinshui Basin, Shanxi province, the authors studied the sedimentary facies, geological structures, gas-bearing property, and coal seam occurrence characteristics, investigated the main geological controlling factors of coalbed methane (CBM) enrichment, and comprehensively evaluated the CBM favorable enrichment areas based on the fuzzy mathematics evaluation and analytic hierarchy process method. The results show that① the peat flat in the Taiyuan Formation, and the peat swamp in the Shanxi Formation are the most favorable facies belts for the development of coal seams.②The No.15 coal seam of the Taiyuan Formation and the No.3 coal seam of the Shanxi Formation have the same occurrence pattern. They are monoclinic structures with a north-northeast strike and a westward dipping trend. The buried depth deepens gradually from east to west. The thickness of the No.15 coal seam increases gradually from southwest to northeast, and the No.3 coal seam gradually thickens from north to south as a whole.③The larger coal thickness and buried depth, the better sealing ability with sandy mudstone/mudstone, and simple geological structures or with developed reverse faults will benefit the increase of gas content in coal reservoirs.④Finally, the comprehensive evaluated results using multi-level fuzzy mathematics indicate that the CBM favorable enrichment areas of the No.15 and No.3 coal seams are the areas surrounding the exploration wells of W26-W31-W41 and W1-W20-W2 respectively.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    southern Wuxiang block;coalbed methane(CBM);enrichment area prediction;fuzzy evaluation;analytic hierarchy process;Qinshui Basin

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 地质概况

    2 沉积环境及储层特征

       2.1 沉积相及岩相古地理特征

       2.2 储层特征

    3 煤层气富集的主控地质因素分析

       3.1 构造作用

       3.2 顶板封盖性

       3.3 煤厚与含气量的关系

       3.4 埋深与含气量的关系

    4 富集区预测

       4.1 评价方法

       4.2 评价结果

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    宋慧波,安红亮,刘顺喜,等. 沁水盆地武乡南煤层气赋存主控地质因素及富集区预测[J]. 煤炭学报,2021,46(12):3974-3987.
    SONG Huibo,AN Hongliang,LIU Shunxi,et al. Controlling geological factors and coalbed methane enrichment areas in southern Wuxiang block,Qinshui Basin[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(12):3974-3987.
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