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  • Title

    Multi⁃source identification and internal relationship of tar⁃rich coal of the Yan’an Formation in the south of Shenfu

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHI Qingmin,WANG Shuangmin,WANG Shengquan,GUO Chen,CAI Yue, DU Fangpeng,QIAO Junwei,CHANG Bofeng,ZHANG Hong,MIAO Yanping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Geological Support for Coal Green Exploitation,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an ,China; College of Geology and Environment,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an,China; Shenmu Hongliulin Coal Mine of Shaanxi Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,Shenmu
  • 摘要

    富油煤对缓解我国油气资源供应紧张局势、实现煤炭绿色低碳利用具有重要的资源优势。与富氢煤相比,富油煤具有更广义的范畴、更明确的实用性,且高挥发分产率与高焦油产率之间并不具有单调对应性,尤其在有限区域或煤阶范围内,这一规律尤为明显。 但目前富油煤识别指标单一且以往数据较少,在标准格金干馏试验基础上丰富富油煤识别方法是亟待解决的重要问题。 以神府南部矿区为例,通过探讨富油煤相关性特点及宏-微观控制规律,结果显示:1 煤层厚度与煤焦油产率分布稳定性呈正相关性,但与焦油产率相关性较弱;2 在有限的煤阶范围内,挥发分与焦油产率间规律不甚显著,反而对产气率、产水率约束性更为明显。这一现象同样体现在 H / C 原子比,高 H / C 原子比并未指示高焦油产率,但对较低的产气率和较高的产水率具有清晰指示意义,这与煤中含氧官能团裂解并获取氢自由基的过程存在密切相关性;3 宏观煤岩类型对焦油产率具有较好的控制性,这与煤体显微煤岩组成密切相关,总体表现为镜质组、矿物双重控制性,其中光亮煤、半亮-半暗煤焦油产率主要受控于镜质组含量;暗淡煤、夹矸主要受控于煤中矿物含量;4 灰分与焦油产率间总体呈单调递减规律,但不同煤灰成分表现有所不同。 指示内源沉积作用的 CaO+MgO 质量分数增加,有助于富油煤热解催化并一定程度提高煤焦油产率。 指示陆源碎屑沉积 的SiO2+Al2O3质量分数增加则会降低煤焦油产率,与灰分指示规律一致。 指示闭塞、滞留环境的 Fe2O3(黄铁矿)虽然对煤热解具有催化裂解作用,但在格金干馏试验条件下并未明显促进焦油产 率升高,反而对产水率的促进作用更为明显;5 真密度与焦油产率间呈负相关性,低密度煤样表现 为 Aar / Aal ,B,C,CH/ CH相对较小,指示煤中脂肪结构较为丰富、烷基侧链丰富,有利于热解过程中不稳定化学键裂解形成分子量较小的烷基自由基进而提高煤焦油产出。

  • Abstract

    Tar⁃rich coal is an important resource for easing the tight supply of oil and gas,and realizing the green and low⁃carbon utilization of coal. Compared with the hydrogen⁃rich coal, the tar⁃rich coal is broader in coal types and more specific in its applicability. The relationship between high volatile yield and high tar yield is non⁃monotonici⁃ ty,especially in the limited area and coal rank. However,the tar yield based on the Gray⁃King assay,that has less data in the previous exploration, is the only indicator to recognize tar⁃rich coal. Aiming to enrich the indicator to distinguish the tar⁃rich coal,the relationships between tar yield and several indicators were discussed based on the coal in the south of Shenfu. The results shown that:1 The data of tar yield is gradually convergent with coal seam thickness, although there is no correlation between the both. 2 In a limited range of coal rank,the volatile matter is weakly correla⁃ ted with tar yield,but strongly correlated with the gas yield and the water yield. This relationship is also shown in the H/ C ratio and tar yield. The combination between the free radicals of hydrogen and oxygen⁃containing functional groups from coal plays an important role in this phenomenon. 3 The macrolithotype of coal affects the tar yield through its com⁃ ponent of maceral. Tar yield is controlled by both vitrinite and mineral. The vitrinite plays a major role in the tar yield of bright coal and semibright⁃semidull coal. The tar yield of dull coal and shale is always controlled by mineral. 4 The re⁃ lationship between ash content and tar yield is monotonous decreasing,but the performance of different ash components is various. CaO MgO that indicates the endogenous deposition is helpful to the pyrolysis catalysis of tar⁃rich coal and improve the tar yield to a certain extent. SiOAlOwhich indicates terrigenous clastic deposition reduces the tar yield of coal,which is consistent with the tendency of ash and tar yield. Although the Fe2O3(Pyrite) that indicates occluded and stagnant environment accelerates coal pyrolysis, the tar yield was not obviously increasing with the increase of the mass fraction of FeO3,which is on the contrary with water yield. 5 A good negative correlation is shown between true density and tar yield since low density with the low values of Aar Aal Band CH/ CH. It indicates more Aliphatic structure, alkyl side chain and relatively weak of cross⁃linking in the low density of coal, which is conducive to the unstable chemical bonds crack and forms alkyl free radicals,thus improving the yield of coal tar.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    tar⁃rich coal;volatile matter;maceral;ash composition;true density;tar yield

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    师庆民,王双明,王生全,等. 神府南部延安组富油煤多源判识规律[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(5):2057-2066.
    SHI Qingmin,WANG Shuangming,WANG Shengquan,et al. Multi⁃source identification and internal relationship of tar⁃rich coal of the Yan’an Formation in the south of Shenfu[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(5): 2057-2066.
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