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我国微藻固定烟气 CO2潜力时空格局分析
  • Title

    Analysis on temporal and spatial pattern of CO2 fixation ability from coal-fired flue gas fixed by microalgae in China

  • 作者

    万伟华 程 军 郭王彪

  • Author

    WAN Weihua,CHENG Jun,GUO Wangbiao

  • 单位

    广东省环境科学研究院浙江大学 能源清洁利用国家重点实验室Microbial Sciences Institute,Department of Microbial Pathogenesis,Yale University

  • Organization
    1.Guangdong Provincial Academy of Environment Science;
    2.State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,Zhejiang University;
    3.Microbial Sciences Institute,Department of Microbial Pathogenesis
  • 摘要

    微藻固定烟气CO2技术是温室气体控制领域的国际前沿研究热点和高技术竞争焦点,对我国发展低碳经济和节能减排具有重要意义。为促进微藻固定烟气CO2技术在全国范围内的推广使用,研究基于内蒙古鄂尔多斯螺旋藻产业园内CO2固定速率实测数据,模拟得出光照强度、平均气温和日照时长等气象要素对微藻固定烟气CO2潜力的相互作用模型,并将该模型应用至全国范围。通过地理空间显示、全局空间自相关、局部空间自相关等手段与方法,探索分析全国361个行政区划研究单元内微藻固定烟气CO2潜力的时空分异特征及影响因素。结果表明:① 从影响因素分析来看,光照强度对微藻固定烟气CO2潜力的影响效果最大,平均气温其次,日照时长最弱。② 从时空变化规律来看,全国不同行政区划研究单元微藻固定烟气CO2潜力呈现“夏秋季潜力大、冬春季潜力小”的特点。③ 从空间分异规律和集聚特征来看,各地区分时段的微藻固定烟气CO2潜力呈现出差异化分布的空间格局,在区域上呈现不同的变化趋势;空间集聚特征上,全国范围内微藻固定烟气CO2潜力存在显著的集聚效应,呈现出“高-高集聚”和“低-低集聚”特征。研究对我国微藻固定烟气CO2潜力的时空格局、影响因素进行了综合分析,对于该技术在全国的广泛推广具有一定的指导意义。

  • Abstract

    Microalgae CO2 emission reduction technology is an international frontier research hotspot and high-tech competition focus on the field of greenhouse gas control, and is of great significance to the development of low-carbon economy, energy conservation and emission reduction in China.In order to promote the popularization and application of microalgae fixing flue gas CO2 technology in the whole country, an interaction functional model of meteorological factors such as light intensity, average temperature and sunshine duration on the CO2 fixation ability from coal-fired power plant by microalgae was simulated, based on the experimental data of CO2 fixation rate at Ordos Spirulina Cultivation Base, Inner Mongolia. By means of geospatial display, global spatial autocorrelation, and local spatial autocorrelation, the temporal and spatial differentiation characteristics and influencing factors of microalgae's potential to fix CO2 in flue gas in 361 administrative division research units across the country were explored and analyzed. The results showed that:① In the aspect of influencing factors of CO2 fixation rate by microalgae, the effect of light intensity on the CO2 fixation rate by microalgae is the highest,followed by the average temperature and the weakest sunshine duration.From the perspective of temporal and spatial variation, the CO2 fixation ability from coal-fired power plant by microalgae in different administrative divisions in China presents the characteristics of great potential in summer and autumn but small potential in winter and spring. From the perspective of spatial differentiation law and agglomeration characteristics, the CO2 potential of microalgae to fix flue gas in different time periods in different regions presents a spatial pattern of differential distribution, and shows different trends in different regions; In terms of spatial agglomeration characteristics, the CO2 fixation ability from coal-fired power plant by microalgae presents the characteristics of high-high agglomerationand low-low agglomeration. In this paper, the temporal and spatial pattern and influencing factors of CO2 fixation potential by microalgae in China were comprehensively analyzed, which has guiding significance for the widespread promotion of this technology in China.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    microalgae; flue gas CO2; spatio-temporal pattern; geographic space; spatial agglomeration

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WAN Weihua,CHENG Jun,GUO Wangbiao.Analysis on temporal and spatial pattern of CO2 fixation ability from coal-fired flue gas fixed by microalgae in China[J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(6):107-116
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