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  • Title

    Ecological restoration effect and carbon neutrality contribution of biological soil

  • 作者


  • Author

    BI Yinli,GUO Yun,LIU Feng,LI Puning,PENG Suping

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室西安科技大学 西部矿山生态环境修复研究院中国煤炭学会

  • Organization
    1.State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing,Beijing100083,China;2.Institute of Ecological Environment Restoration in Mine Areas of West China,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an710054,China;3.China Coal Society,Beijing100013,China
  • 摘要

    我国西部是典型的生态脆弱敏感区和水土流失严重区煤炭的资源开发与干旱脆弱的自然 环境叠加作用使西部煤矿区地表损伤及生态碳汇能力下降的问题日趋严重探索一种与生境契合 度高贴合地形变化快速复绿的生态修复+碳汇技术成为当务之急。 生物土壤结皮是由土壤微生 物隐花植物如蓝藻真核藻类地衣苔藓等与土壤表层颗粒胶结而成的复杂有机体广泛分布于 我国西部地区。 生物土壤结皮作为干旱半干旱地表生物覆被层的最初主要构建者是陆地生态系 统中重要的碳汇能够改变土壤表面的微地形增加降水入渗延缓或减少径流的发生影响菌类和 土壤动物的生存和繁衍并在土壤生态水文过程土壤生物过程和地球化学循环过程中发挥重要作 用。 为此结合西部煤矿区生态环境所面临的主要问题从生物土壤结皮影响土壤养分累积氮固 定风蚀水蚀过程植物萌发与生长等方面对其生态功能进行概述。 阐述生物藻结皮对沙地沙尘控 制采煤沉陷地裂缝修复乔灌草立体生物修复等新技术模式。 通过试验研究发现与藻结皮层相 比苔藓结皮层有机碳含量显著高于 90.3%丛枝菌根真菌与苔藓结皮种子土 3 ∶ 1~5 ∶ 1(质量比配比时有机碳含量增加 107%。 提出了丛枝菌根真菌与苔藓结皮种子土 3 ∶ 1 ~ 5 ∶ 1 联合最佳配比 固碳生物土壤结皮与草灌乔立体组合生物固碳生物土壤结皮长期修复土壤累积固碳等碳中和的 贡献潜力旨在为碳中和背景下西部煤矿区土地复垦与生态修复提供新的参考和技术支撑

  • Abstract

    Western China is one of typical ecologically fragile and sensitive areas with the most serious soil erosion problem. The problems of surface damage and ecological carbon sink decline caused by the superimposition of coal resource exploitation and drought fragile natural environment is becoming more severe in the western mining areas. Thus,it is necessary to explore a kind of ecological restoration and carbon sequestration technology with high habitat compatibility and rapid greening in accordance with terrain change. Biological soil crusts widely distributed in western China,are complex organic integrities formed by soil microorganisms,cryptogamic plants,e.g. cyanobacteria,eukaryotic algae,lichens and mosses,as well as gluing soil surface particles together. As primary builders of topsoil biological cover in arid and semiarid,biological soil crusts are important carbon sinks in terrestrial ecosystems,which could change the microtopography of topsoil,increase rainfall infiltration and delay or reduce runoff,as well as influence the survival and reproduction of soil microorganism and animals. Meanwhile,it plays an important role in soil ecohydrological,soil biological and geochemical cycle processes. As for the primary problems of ecological environment in the western mining areas,the influence of biological soil crusts on soil nutrient accumulation,nitrogen fixation,wind and water erosion in ecological function were reviewed in this study. In addition,the diversified ecological restoration models,including dust control by cyanobacterial biocrust,mining subsidence crack restoration,threedimensional configuration restoration of biological soil crust and herbs,shrubs and arbors,were expounded. Based on the experimental results,the organic carbon content in moss biocrust was significantly higher than that in cyanobacterial biocrust by 90.3%,and the organic carbon content was increased by 107% at the mycorrhizal fungi and artificial moss biocrust combined with 3∶1-5∶1 ratio. Moreover,the contributions of carbon sequestration of biological soil crusts to carbon neutralization in the coal mining areas,including mycorrhizal fungi and artificial moss biocrust combined with 3∶1-5∶1 ratio of carbon sequestration,biological soil crust combined with and arbors,shrubs,and herbs for carbon sequestration,longterm remediation of biological soil crusts for soil carbon sequestration,were proposed. These works provide some diversified theoretical references and technical support for land reclamation and ecological restoration in the western mining areas under the background of carbon neutrality,so as to accelerate the sustainable development of ecological environment restoration in the western mining areas.

  • 关键词


  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    BI Yinli,GUO Yun,LIU Feng,et al.Ecological restoration effect and carbon neutrality contribution of biological soil crusts in western mining area
    [J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(8):2883-2895.
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