• 全部
  • Title

    Research on activated fault characteristics and rational design size of water-proof coal pillar

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Jingzhong,LIU Qimeng,LIU Yu,FAN Jiajun,YANG Sen

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.School of Resource and Geosciences,China University of Mining and Technology;
    2.School of Earth andEnvironment,Anhui University of Science and Technology;
    3.State Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mines,Anhui University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    目前浅部煤炭可采储量开挖殆尽,以井工开采的煤矿正逐渐向深部含煤地层区域延伸,因面临深部“高温、高压、高瓦斯”及复杂地质构造的威胁,井下作业环境变得十分恶劣。虽然通过钻探、物探手段及巷道开挖对煤矿安全生产构成较大影响的深部隐伏断层构造进行探查,但矿井对断层性质及采动影响下断层活化等基础资料掌握程度不足。在设计断层防隔水煤(岩)柱留设尺寸阶段,往〖JP2〗往存在断层煤(岩)柱留设过大或过小的问题,造成生产期间煤炭资源可开采量的降低,或诱发断层水害事故。以宿州煤电集团界沟煤矿F6断层为研究对象,从断层的含(导)水性、采动影响下断层活化特征、煤层顶板岩性特征及导水裂隙带发育高度等方面综合分析研究煤层防隔水煤柱宽度留设问题。利用基于有限元理论的COMSOL Multiphysics(CM)数值模拟、理论计算及矿井生产验证等多方法,确定最合理的防隔水煤柱尺寸。研究表明:F6断层在未扰动状态下表现为富水性弱,导水性差,但当工作面继续向再前推进至距断煤交线20 m时断层带附近岩层因受集中应力作用而发生塑性破坏,断层导水性质发生变化。基于以上综合分析最终确定F6断层防隔水煤柱合理留设宽度为36.13 m。研究成果对界沟煤矿安全效益和经济效益的最大化提供一定的技术保障。

  • Abstract

    The shallow coal resources have been almost completely excavated,and the coal mines are gradually extending to the deep coal-bearing strata currently. Due to the threat of “high temperature,high pressure and high gas” and complex geological structure in the deep strata,the underground operation environment becomes very harsh. Although the deep concealed fault structure,which has a great influence on the safety production of coal mine,is explored by drilling,geophysical exploration and roadway excavation,the basic information of fault properties and fault activation under the disturbance of mining isn’t well grasped by the mine. In the stage of designing the retaining size of fault coal (rock) pillars,the problem of retaining size of fault coal (rock) pillars is usually too large or too small,which leads to the decrease of coal resources during production,or the fault water disaster induced by fault activation. Taking F6 fault of Jiigou coal mine of Suzhou Coal and Electricity Group as the research target,this paper comprehensively analyzes and studies the width of waterproof coal pillar in coal seam from the aspects of water-containing/conducting properties of faults,characteristics of faults activation under the disturbance of mining,lithological characteristics of coal seam roof and development height of water-conducting fracture zone. Utilizing COMSOL Multiphysics (CM) numerical simulation based on finite element theory,theoretical calculation and mine production verification methods,the most reasonable size of waterproof coal pillar is determined. The study shows that F6 fault is featured by weak water abundance and poor water conductivity in undisturbed state. However,when the working face continues to advance 20 m away from the intersection line of fault and coal,the rock strata near the fault zone suffer plastic failure due to concentrated stress,and the water conductivity of the fault changes. On the foundation of the above comprehensive analysis,it is finally determined that the reasonable reserved width of waterproof coal pillar of F6 fault is 36.13 m. The results of this study provide a certain technical guarantee for the maximization of safety and economic benefit in Jiegou coal mine.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fault activation;waterproof coal pillar;fault water disaster;width of coal pillar

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHU Jingzhong,LIU Qimeng,LIU Yu,et al.Research on activated fault characteristics and rational design size of water-proof coal pillar[J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(8):166-171
  • 相关专题

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